Breakup pt2

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A/N I can't wait to write this book

Renjun POV:

"I'm breaking up with you."

Renjun's whole world crashed as he heard those horrid words


"I'm breaking up with you. I'm sorry Junnie. This is the last thing I want to do."

"Then- then why?"

Renjun got choked up on his words as he felt tears welling up in his eyes

"It's... It's my dad."

Renjun let out a shaky breath. He knew about Felix's family situation. His parents were the most homophobic people on this wretched planet

Renjun looked up at his boyfrie-... Felix. and saw that he was already crying

"I'm so sorry Jun. He found out that we were together and told me to break up with you.... And he decided we'd move schools just to make sure."

Renjun's breath hitched in his throat. Tears started pouring down his face. He couldn't stop crying. He couldn't breathe he was crying so hard

He felt himself gasping for air. Tears fell down his face and into his gaping mouth

"Junnie I'm so sorry."

Felix cried as they sunk down onto the floor together. Felix held Renjun in his arms and rocked them back and forth

Their relationship. Unlike Donghyuck's and his ex's. Had lasted for several years. They had been through a lot of ups and downs and had always been there for eachother. Felix was there when Renjun's dad got remarried after his parents got divorced.

His dad got remarried to one of the rudest. Meanest. And ugliest women in the world.

Renjun's dad never noticed though. He practically ignored Renjun other than when he wanted to eat. Making Renjun make the food instead of his wife because he legit married the most useless woman ever who couldn't cook if her life depended on it

Renjun cooked for his father, stepmom, brother, and 4 step brothers

It was tiring. But Felix was always there for him

And the same went the other way around

Renjun was always there for Felix. When he got adopted into the most homophobic family that has ever existed. His father was the worst. He insisted that he was 'protecting' his children. But the great lengths he went to were... Horrid

Renjun couldn't process this. Why did Felix's dad have to be such a fucking bitch

"W- we- we can run a-away."
Renjun suggested through gasps of air and hiccups

"I- I can't Renjun. We're- we're too young. We- we wouldn't make it."
Felix responded placing his hands on either side of Renjun's face and wiping the tears away with his thumbs

"I love you so much love. And believe me I don't want to do this. But you'll be ok without me. I know you will. You're strong."

"You're all I have Lix. You're all I have in this world. Please don't go."
Renjun's eyes started blurring again as the tears came back

"No Renjun. We can't. I'm so so so sorry."

Renjun inhaled deeply and shakily and looked at Felix. He nodded.


"I love-."

"No. Please... Please don't. It'll only make letting you go so much harder then it is."

Renjun begged. avoiding Felix's eyes. As he felt Felix's hands fall away from his face. He gave Renjun one last hug before he stood up and left.

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