What A Way To Awake

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But if you loved me. Why'd you leave me~

Haechan POV

Haechan was awoken by someone constantly shaking his shoulder

Haechan whined. Rolling over. Curling into a ball. His hands clentched into fists. Gripping the cloth material

"Come on. We gotta go."
Haechan heard the comforting male voice come from above him

"I don't want to."
He argued

"Oh my goodness you're such a baby."
The voice that Haechan now recognized as Renjun spoke again

"Yep. Now if you want me to go anywhere. You're going to have to carry me."

Haechan smiled contentedly. His eyes still closed as he sat up and wrapped his arms around Renjun's neck, sitting on the older's lap like a little koala

Haechan felt the other stiffen at the sudden change in positions

"Hae- Haechan ge- get off."

"No. You woke me up so you get to be my blanket."

Renjun muttered something under his breath before speaking in a quiet tone

"I'm so sorry about this he isn't... Ever like this."

"Who the hell are you talking to?"
Haechan questioned

"Uh... Our captors."



Haechan's still sleepy brain seemed to malfunction, not fully processing this information he had just been given

Haechan yelled. Leaping off of Renjun's lap. Fixing his hair as he faced the group of men standing at the doorway

"I'm so sorry I didn't realize anyone else was in here. It's Renjun's fault."

Haechan heard an offended gasp coming from the male who was still seated on the ground
"Ah! How is it my fault?! You were the one cuddling me!"

Haechan turned his head to face the other and stuck out his tongue at him
"It's not my fault you're so comfortab-.... Such a pushover."

A few of the men at the door snickered at the panic that was flowing from Haechan's entire existence

"Anyways. I'm Lee Taeyong. And these are a few of the members of NCT. I'm sorry for your rough... Bringing here... But all for good reasons I promise."

Haechan and Renjun looked at the man in the middle who had spoken. His black hair slicked back. Revealing the slit in his eyebrow. And his multiple piercings all over his ears, nose, lips and eyebrows

(A/N he simply has like multiple ear piercings, like a nose stud, one of those eyebrow piercings on the eyebrow that doesn't have the cut, and a lip ring.)

"Okayyy? And what is your super spectacular reason for kidnapping of all people me, and this... Loser. And bringing us to your freezing cold base."

Taeyong looked at Haechan with an unamused expression before speaking again

"I want you two to join us."

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