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A/N I'm low-key rlly ready for the next book, hopefully y'all will like it, because I feel like it's gonna be rlly fun to write

Haechan POV

Haechan found Renjun laying in bed, reading the book that Kun had given him which he had tossed onto the bed before his shower

"Is that the one Taeil wrote?"

Haechan asked, sinking into the bed beside him

Renjun nodded, no verbal response needed

"Here look at this word. Anthelphobia. It means the fear of not being good enough."

Haechan nodded as the two snuggled closer to eachother, his chin on Renjun's head, and his arm wrapped under his back, his other hand holding onto the book as well

Haechan nodded, then a word caught his attention

"This one. Heliophilia. It means the desire to stay in the sun, the love of sunlight"

Renjun paused for a moment, then pointed at the picture of a sunflower that had been hand painted onto the page

"This is me."

Haechan frowned in confusion then looked at Renjun, the younger boy then looked up, smiling at him

"Why's that?"

Renjun looked back down at the page the smile remaining on his face

"Because. You're the sun. And I'm the sunflower."

A broad smile found it's way upon Haechan's lips, as he softly nuzzled his head into Renjun's soft hair

There was a comfortable silence as Renjun continued to read through the book, the sound of the pages flipping and their soft breaths being the only noise for a few minutes



"Why don't you like the cold?"

There was a pause, not near as comfortable as the previous one

Renjun gasped, sitting up
"I just had an idea! I have to go-"

Renjun began to slide of the bed, but Haechan wrapped an arm around his waist, pulling him back towards himself

His back against his chest, Renjun's breath hitched In his throat

"Stop. Now tell me."

Renjun sighed. Turning his body so he was facing Haechan, sitting crosslegged

"Well. As you know I'm Chinese, born in China... Duh... And well... I had a happy life. Happy parents. A happy family."

Renjun paused for a few seconds Haechan reached over and placed his hand on top of Renjun's, trying to calm him

"Well... One winter we were ice skating on a pond, I think my dad was ice fishing with my brother or something, but it was me and my mom ice skating.... And iii fell in.. I fell into the water. And of course at 5 years old you can't really swim that well. Let alone in freezing cold water with heavy ice skates on..."

Haechan shifted his hand, slipping it into Renjun's, and holding the older's hand he caressed the back of his palm with his thumb softy as Renjun sniffed

"And my mom saved me. She pulled me up out of the water and she saved me, she tossed me onto the other side of the pond onto the thicker ice as the ice beneath her... Cracked and broke..."

Renjun was now sitting with tears falling freely down his face, Haechan took his sleeve and wiped the tears with the corner

"Well... She got swept under the ice by the current... And she died. Saving me. A useless. Little. Five year old..."

There was a brief moment of silence before he continued

"My dad never forgave me. He blamed me and he made sure I knew every day that it was my fault that his wife had died. He didn't even allow me to call her mom... My dad ended up moving us to Korea, and the he got remarried to this lady with a shit ton of money and kids ... Leaving me to basically be the maid and do their chores.... But anyways. Ever since that day on the ice I haven't been able to handle the cold at all."

Renjun looked up at Haechan. And the younger didn't spare a second before pulling him into a hug

"Oh Junnie I'm so so sorry about your mom. It's not your fault. It's not your fault. Please don't blame yourself. Please please please. You did nothing wrong. It's ok Junnie."

Haechan mumbled praise after praise into the older's hair, making him cry even harder, which made Haechan cry

The two sat on the bed, hugging and crying. But there for eachother.

Afterwards, Haechan ended up telling Renjun about his family situation, the two then cried again, but they were once again there for eachother

In happiness and in pain

Till death do they part

Heliophilia {RenHyuck}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora