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Not a chapter

A/N I must say this, I don't think any of y'all are like this but I need to like stress

You're allowed to not like a song from a group
That's perfectly fine, I don't expect anyone to like every song from their favorite artist tbh
But there is a very strong line between not liking a song, and completely bashing the song and the artists

Yes I'm talking about Sticker

I honestly like it, I come from a very musical family and I've been raised knowing so much about music, I have an ear for music and all

So yes I think the different noises don't exactly match up each others beats, but I mean I enjoyed it tbh, It's chilling in my playlist being listening to on a daily

I don't think some people realize that nct can see what you say, they're on the internet, and so for some people to just be criticizing this song over and over. PEOPLE WHO CALL THEMSELVES NCT FANS

Fr just fake.

NCT are a group that try different things, different sounds, concepts, they see what they're good at and get better at it, they try new things that other groups don't

Like fr what other group has and endless number of members

There aren't many groups that can go from concept to concept and make them all sound and look good

Like fr, We got kick it the bass booming song of the year

Then there's from home, an amazing beautiful heart wrenching song that's just vocals galore

Then there's like Hello Future, a futuristic, happy bubbly song that makes you wanna dance your ass off

There's Nectar which makes you wanna put on stripper boots and pole dance


Like fr try and dance like nct it's so hard, learning their dances is so much fun because it's not easy at all

The footwork, handwork, you're moving at least 10 body parts in every move

Their so talented in dancing, singing, rapping

Literally no visual holes

They're funny and release daily content that brightens everyone's day

So let's all take a step back

Sticker. Was them trying new things

Like everything about it was new

The sound, the concept, ect

So let's chill. And praise our boys for trying so hard to please us stuck up little bitches


That's my two cents

I'll release an actual chapter hopefully later today

Thank you for reading my rant 🙄😝

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