Breaking Rules

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A/N I'd just like to take this moment to thank y'all for being the most awesome people ever

Like all your love and support for my books makes me want to write more and more

Y'all are legit the best

Love you and thank you ❤️

The members had just gotten back from a mission

And per usual, Renjun was waiting for them in the entrance

He waited, leaning on tiptoe, craning his neck, searching the group that entered

And finally.

The sun.

His sun

A smile spread across his face as he saw the other

Haechan yelled, running towards him and hugging him tightly

Renjun hugged back, then Haechan parted and paused

The other members had filed in and were putting away their stuff and cleaning their weapons as the two stood with eachother

"I missed you"
Haechan admitted, leaning into the other and kissed him

Renjun was surprised by the action, but kissed back anyways

A throat was cleared behind them
"Rule number 6. No making out in front of the other members."

Haechan stepped back from Renjun, his lips pursed in an annoyed manner

"Mmm that's great and all.... But I clearly remember you telling me a bit ago that I need to learn that sometimes you tell me things to test me on my intuition... So I'll take this 'rule' as one of those things."

Taeyong sighed exasperatedly, rolling his eyes

"This isn't one of those, this is one of the six rules which are in place, each for a good reason."

"Oh and what's this one's reasoning. Because you're jealous that the members can get dick and you're just a lonely boy who is stuck up in his office 25/8?"

The members, who had begun listening to this conversation a while ago broke out into laughter

Taeyong seethed with rage, practically turning red

Renjun stepped back from the fight that was most likely about to ensue

".... You know what. You're washing all the dishes. For a week."

Haechan laughed loudly

"What. Mad that someone put you in your place? You know what. If you ever are able to get into a relationship it'll be someone who will hilariously put you in your place all the time."

Taeyong clenched his fists, trying his hardest to not strike the boy

Turning around he stormed off, away from the members

Leaving several of them laughing or snickering

"You're so dead Channie."

Renjun chuckled, walking off

Haechan shrugged and walked off to go eat

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