Indoor Picnic

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Renjun POV

Renjun successfully made it back to their room before Haechan did at the end of the day

He quickly checked to see if all of the food was untouched, then he took a shower, changing into a sleeveless shirt and sweatpants

Once he was done, he sat down on the bed. Awaiting his roommate...

Speak of the devil

Haechan came shuffling into their room, yawning, and stretching his arm

Renjun asked, Haechan jolted, not expecting Renjun to be there

He nodded, "yeah."

"Go take a shower ... You smell."

"Yeah. That's cause I was actually working."
Haechan snapped

Renjun rolled his eyes before asking
"Did you eat dinner?"

Haechan paused, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly
"Uh- yeah."

"Oh really? What did they serve."

Haechan opened his mouth. Obviously unsure on how to answer
"Uh... Ramen."

Renjun nodded

"He's lying. They had soup."

Smirking to himself he shrugged his shoulders

"Ok! Go shower now!"


Haechan gave him an odd look before snatching some clothes from his dresser and going into the bathroom

Once Renjun heard the water begin to run he quickly dashed to his closet, grabbing the food he had stolen, it amounted to enough for at least one good meal for two people

He shrugged, he could always eat what Haechan didn't. He also skipped dinner because he was too busy doing this for the younger

He smiled to himself

Sometimes it was fun doing good deeds

He began to set the food out on a towel that he had snatched from the bathroom before Haechan came along, and like a picnic he set it out on the floor, placing the food on top of the towel so it wouldn't get dirty

He stood back once he was done, dusting his hands off in satisfaction, smiling at his work

He then heard the shower turn off and a few minutes later, Haechan emerged from the room, softly drying his hair off with a towel, a cloud of steam emitting from the bathroom behind him

"Can we go to bed now-....uh what's this."

Haechan looked at the food, then at Renjun, his hand paused on the towel on his head

"It's dinner!"

"I- I already told you. I ate."

"Mhmmm. And I'm your grandma."

"Ew gross no you aren't."

"Exactly. Now sit down and eat."

Renjun motioned down to the floor beside the towel, he also sat down, patting the floor across from him

Haechan shook his head.
"No. I gotta dry my hair off."

"Oh suck it up."
Renjun walked over to Haechan on his knees who was only a few feet away from him, pulling him over to the food, and yanking him down, Haechan tumbled down, landing in a sitting position, facing the food

Heliophilia {RenHyuck}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang