Day One

491 22 22

Renjun POV

After breakfast Renjun and Haechan were split up, Renjun going with Taeil, and Haechan going with Johnny

Neither wanted to admit it, but they were both hesitant about parting the other

Due to them both only feeling like they could trust the other in this odd place made them latch onto eachother

Renjun however had a self-assigned mission

He. Being the observant human he is, noticed that Haechan hadn't been eating very much, before they had been captured he didn't eat very much or even at all when they would go out to eat to practice their play

And now when they got here, Haechan hadn't eaten all day yesterday, and today he completely ignored his food during breakfast

Renjun suspected something was up, and when he asked the younger this morning, the boy had been harsh a quick to brush off the question and change conversations

So. Renjun being Renjun. Felt like he needed to help

Of course he still.... Strongly disliked the other

But if he could help someone he would.

Because he was Renjun...

Throughout the day of practice in the coma room with Taeil, Renjun would ask for breaks every once in a while, when he would sneak to the kitchen and steal some form of food

Whether it was some bread, someone's left over salad, some cooked meat in a small container, he stole a can of canned pineapple that he found in the pantry, and a box of crackers

Once he grabbed something, he would quickly go to his room, and stash the food away in his closet, then he would return to taeil in the coms room and continue his training

This process went on for hours

Renjun mainly only found bread

But that was fine

He liked bread anyways

Haechan POV

Hitting people was fun

He loved fighting

He could release all his anger and actually have an excuse for it

And when he could go against someone of the stature of one Johnny Suh. There was not much worry about hurting him

He loved the feeling of not only punching, but the adrenaline he would get from getting punched

The way getting punched would make him feel like pushing himself even further just to win

And Johnny was a worthy opponent

(A/N just spent like 5 minutes trying to spell opponent. The effort I put into this book I swear 🗿🙄🤞)

However he wasn't ever able to beat Johnny

After several hours of constant fighting, both throwing punches and landing blows, but only Johnny was able to win

At their what felt like 20th water break, Haechan was wiping sweat from his forehead with his towel, taking a long chug from his water bottle that was sadly no longer cold

Johnny walked up to him, breathing heavily

"You're a good fighter. I wouldn't be surprised if this ends up being what you get put as."

"And what's the official mafia term for that?"

"Mmm usually just something dumb like 'Hand-to-Hand specialist. Sometimes just fighter. Chenle calls it the Owie Powie... Don't ask."
Johnny took a drink of water


Haechan cringed at the word

"I do believe you'd be a much better fighter. Maybe even better than me.... IF you had something to fight for."

"Something to fight for?"

"Yeah. Something to Fight for."
Johnny repeated. Looking at Haechan's confused face before explaining

"Something to fight for. Like. I mean. Right now you're probably just fighting to win. Or for the thrill of it. But you need something. Or someone to fight for. To motivate you to win."

Haechan paused before asking
"Do you have your something?"

"Oh you bet. The prettiest something you ever lain your eyes on. Ten Lee himself. I fight because and for him, he's the reason I can win my battles because I'm fighting them to protect him. To protect us."

Johnny beamed

"It's best to find a romantic partner honestly. Like yeah you could fight for your family, or friends. But you have this connection to a romantic partner. One that you don't get from any other relationship."

Haechan nodded thoughtfully

He didn't have any of those people honestly.

"What is my reason?"

Heliophilia {RenHyuck}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن