The Book

483 21 16

A/N this story is probably going to come to an end soon.

Renjun POV

Renjun was sitting, watching the screens, it was his first time doing a mission from the coms

Taeyong had finally agreed that Renjun had done enough on the field missions, and permanently placed him in the coms room, because that's what he was best at

Renjun watched the different body cams on his screens, occasionally speaking into his mic to give information or his opinion to a member

"Taeyong there's two around the corner, watch out."


"Jaehyun watch out, there's one behind you."


"Jungwoo. The door on your left is where our objective is... Be careful."

Renjun nervously clutched the chair handles as he watched Jungwoo's live feed playing

The boy approached the door, opening it slowly

There were no accessible cameras inside the room so they were blind basically

"Haechan cover Jungwoo."
Renjun heard Taeyong order, as Haechan was the closest

He glanced at Haechan's cam as the younger joined Jungwoo to cover him as he went in

"Yuta and Hendery. Quickly go in with Jungwoo."
The leader continued to order as the rest of them made their way

They all held their breath as Jungwoo opened the door, glancing in, then entering the room

Not a single breath was heard

If they failed-

"Got it."

Jungwoo announced

"Good. Now get the fuck out of there."

Renjun ordered, the members all began to leave

Renjun sighed, leaning back in his chair and removed his headset, wiping the sweat from his forehead

Half an hour later Renjun heard the familiar sound of vehicles driving up in the driveway

Quickly exiting his slightly humid room, he raced down the stairs, greeting the members who entered in

Waiting for his boy to arrive, and finally seeing the familiar face, a smile broke out onto his face

He called, smiling widely he dashed toward the younger, leaping upon him in a hug, wrapping his legs around his waist and hugging him tightly

"Hi Sunflower"
Haechan greeted

It had been a week since they had confessed, and things were going fair

They hadn't kissed since, and they weren't together... But they were closer than before, neither had the balls to bring up the happening again

But they sure acted like a couple... Minus the kissing and shit

"How was it without me?"
Haechan asked as Renjun slid off him, standing on his own feet again as the younger went to go out away his gun

"Good. I was waiting for you to get home to go to bed tho. I'm tired."

"Yeah. Same. You wanna head to bed while I get cleaned up?"


Renjun then went off to the bedroom as Haechan finished cleaning and putting away his weapons and gear

He paused as he felt someone behind him

He asked

"You're getting good at sensing people."

The voice spoke. Kun.

Haechan nodded, then asked

"Is something wrong?"

"No. I just wanted to give you something."


"Two things actually."


"Well. First. Here's a book. Written by Taeil and somewhat me. I thought it might be something for you and Renjun to... Look at I guess."

Haechan looked at him quizzically, but took the worn and handmade book anyways

"Thanks... And what's the other thing?"

"Just some advice."

"Ok and that is?"

"You and Renjun need to hurry up and date or kiss or something, because whatever is going on between y'all is kinda annoying because you're not dating but you're acting like it, and it's getting on my nerves."

Haechan looked at the older, a shocked look on his face

Kun shrugged
"I'm just saying what everyone is thinking."

Haechan. Not knowing what to say, stayed silent, so Kun spoke again

"What are you standing here for. Go get your man's or something."

Haechan nodded, scurrying off with the book

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