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Haechan POV

Renjun daintily picked up a napkin, cleaning his mouth with it, then tossed it in a trashcan

He watched as Haechan finished chewing his food, swallowing, then he also cleaned himself off

"You're a bitch you know that right?"
Haechan commented, still a little salty at Renjun for making him eat

"Yep. But at least I'm a hot bitch. Now. Let's go to bed. I'm tired."

Haechan shot a glare at the Chinese as he stood up, dusting himself off, then grabbing the towel with the empty dishes on it, and walked off to the bathroom

Haechan sighed, he wasn't going to help the other

Not at all

He then crawled into his side of the bed, pulling the covers up to his chin, closing his eyes he tried to fall asleep. But mixed with the sound of Renjun trying to clean up, and the thoughts of what happened earlier still fresh in his mind.

Sleep felt impossible.

After a few minutes, he heard Renjun walking out of the bathroom, and felt a weight on the other side of the bed, signalling the other's placement

"Shit it's cold."

Renjun muttered

Haechan heard a rustling on the other side, then a pause

"Uh... Haechan?"

He pressed his eyes tightly closed, if he faked sleeping, the other wouldn't bother him, he kept telling himself

"Haechan can... Can I... Uh... Can I sleep with you?"

Haechan slowly turned over, opening his eyes, looking at Renjun. a surprised and questioning look on the younger's face

"The fuck? No."


Haechan shook his head, turning back around so his back faced Renjun


"Why nooot."
Haechan could practically hear Renjun's pouting face

"Because. I hate..... I don't like you."

"Please. I can't handle the cold. A- and all the blankets are really thin."

Haechan shrugged
"Tough it out."

"No. Please. I really can't be cold. It scares me and I'll have nightmares and panic attac-"

"It's legit just the cold. I think you'll be fine."

"No please. I'm begging you."

Haechan sat up, turning he looked at the older who was literally welling up with tears, he also noticed that the other had broken the barrier, so now there was nothing separating them

"The fuck are you crying for."

Renjun wiped his eyes with the back of his hand

"I- I'm not crying."

"Yeah. You are. Does the cold really bother you that much?"

Renjun looked down. Nodding

Haechan sighed

"No. You can't sleep with me. You can have my blanket. But that's it."

Haechan reluctantly removed the comfortable and warm blanket from his body, and passed it to Renjun who accepted it with a pout

"There. Now go to bed."

"But- but now you're going to be cold."
Renjun protested

"It's fine. I can handle it."
Haechan didn't know why he reassured the other. Or why he regretted not allowing the older to cuddle him. He might never know

But then again

When an hour had passed and Haechan was laying in bed. Shivering from the cold as he stared up at the ceiling, and he felt a arm wrap around his waist

And a tiny body attach itself to him

He didn't stop it

He didn't know why he didn't stop it

He kept telling himself that it was because he himself was cold

But deep inside

He knew that wasn't the reason

He knew that wasn't the reason to why his heart was now beating like he had just run 3 marathons

He knew that wasn't the reason to why his whole body felt like it was burning and his face was all red

He knew

And yet he didn't want to accept the real reason

He couldn't love.

He refused

Heliophilia {RenHyuck}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt