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Renjun POV

Renjun awoke, finding himself cuddling his pillow. He usually woke up spooning his pillow like a freaking single person


Renjun sat up, noticing that the other human that was supposed to be on his side of the bed was no where to be found.

Renjun. Naturally assumed the worse

Haechan had been removed from the world by the psychopathic mafia boss with anger issues and a grudge against Haechan

Made sense

Renjun shrugged before letting himself fall back on the bed. Hugging his pillow close so he could try and fall back asleep

But alas as he was right in between the barrier of awakeness and sleepy time, the door to the room swung open, banging against the wall and someone rushed in, panting

"Would you PLEASE shut up."
Renjun mumbled as he sat up, rubbing his eyes

Then he say Haechan, standing at the foot of the bed, hands on his knees and panting heavily

"What the shit are you doing?"

Haechan looked up at Renjun, and panted for a few seconds before answering

"I got these."

He lifted up a pair of crutches and a small black cloth ankle brace

Renjun's eyes widened in suprise

"You got those for me?"

"No they're for me. Yes for you... Stupid."

"Oh..... Thank you."
Renjun took the items and stretched to his foot, wrapping the brace around his ankle

Attaching the velcro to the brace, it was now secure around his foot

He then slid off the bed, using the crutches as support, lifting his bad foot as so it wouldn't touch the floor

He then made his way to the bathroom, grabbing a change of clothes on his way, and locking himself inside the bathroom he got ready for the day

Once he completed changing he exited the bathroom, going over to Haechan

"Ok. What are we going to do now?"

"Well I can run because you were dumb Enough to get hurt, so I suppose we go down to eat"

"How do you know that's what we do?"

"Jeno came by while you were changing and said that we need to eat."

"Oh ok...."
Renjun's voice faded off

The pair began awkwardly making their way out of their room, down the stairs, and to the dining room where a long table was with Renjun counted fifteen chairs around it

There every seat was filled by a male, and everyone of them looked up as the newcomers entered the room

Renjun felt his heart begin to race and his hands shook

He unconsciously grabbed the corner of Haechan's hoodie sleeve, holding it tight between his pointer finger and thumb as if it was the only thing keeping him alive

"Welcome to our... Group... There. Are fifteen of us. You will meet us as you go. You know our rules, you Renjun at least know your role, Haechan I'm assigning you to Johnny for today, see about your abilities in weapons."

The leader spoke from the head of the table

"And you Renjun. You'll start training with Taeil."

Haechan glanced down at his sleeve when he felt a soft tugging on the cloth

He saw Renjun's tiny sweater paw gripping the younger's sleeve tightly in his clenched hand

Haechan found a smile growing softly on his face, but before it could grow obvious he shook his head, wiping the smile from his lips

"Now come. Sit and eat."
Taeyong motioned to two chairs that a member had just pulled up to the table

Renjun and Haechan sat down awkwardly in the chairs, the rest of the members going on and eating as before

A plate of food was given to them both, and Renjun hesitantly began to eat from his plate

As he slowly let his guard down he had begun to eat faster due to him not eating all day before

While scraping up the last of the eggs, forking them into his mouth, he wiped his lips with a napkin and looked over at Haechan

Haechan sat staring at his food, stabbing it awkwardly with his fork

His food was untouched other than the few stab marks from the fork

Renjun nudged Haechan with his elbow, and leaning over to the younger he whispered in his ear

"Why aren't you eating."

Haechan. Not caring to spare the older a glance, replied, saying.

"I'm not hungry."

"But we didn't eat yesterday. How can you not be hung-."

"I said I'm not hungry."
Haechan cut him off abruptly with a harsh whisper

Renjun pursed his lips. Sliding back to his seat. Slouching down, his arms crossed, a small pout on his face.

Haechan inconspicuously glanced over at the older. Quickly looking back so he didn't burst his heart looking at the adorab- gross sight

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