The Club

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A/N look at me updating 😋😋🤙🤙

Renjun POV

Renjun was seated in one of the vans, crosslegged, unbuckled, and facing Ten who was seated beside him

Ten, was doing his best to put on Renjun's make-up in the bumpy car ride, and he was honestly doing a better job then Renjun could do if he wasn't in a car

"And this is mascara, it goes on your eyelashes, I just need you to blink when I tell you to and the brush will do the rest."

Renjun nodded at Ten's command


The group dropped Renjun off about a block from the club so no one could get suspicious if they all turned up at the same time

Walking to the club was quiet in the dark, bringing Renjun back to the night when he and Haechan had walked home from eating.

The day when they got caught up in all of this

Renjun smiled remembering how much they bickered

That had only been a few weeks ago

Almost a month

Walking along in his memories he found that he had reached the club

Pocketing his phone, he showed the bouncer his fake ID that Chenle had made for him

The big burley man moved to the side and allowed him entrance

Walking in the the large room, filled with bodies, flashing lights, cigarette smoke, and music that throbbed in your ears

Renjun adjusted his earring, the left earring being a mini microphone which was linked to all of the members in-ear devices so they could all hear the anything Renjun heard or said

And the right earring was a camera, the footage being played live onto the screens back in his hacker room in base, were Ten and Chenle were monitoring the footage

Other than that, Renjun was left with nothing to defend himself

He glanced around the club for anyone who he recognized, whether a member or the target

His eyes flittered around the room, scanning for anyone

His eyes landing on Haechan who was looking back at him

The blue and purple lights along with the constant throb of mindless music created a moment which Renjun would never forget

That moment when Haechan was the one keeping Renjun safe if anything went wrong

The moment when Renjun was made to rely on Haechan to keep him alive, a kind of trust that he would've never had with the other boy a month ago

There was something there

A hope, a

A group of drunken people stubbled across the path between them, breaking their eye contact, forcing Renjun to remember his mission

"Find Choi. Get the information. Get out. No matter how you do it. No matter what method. Just get it done."

Taeyong's words rung in Renjun's ear, over and over

The whole group was depending on his capability to do this

He couldn't fail

He couldn't let them down

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