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A/N legit I forgot to upload on Monday. BUT anyways. It'll be fine I'm sure

Renjun POV

"Of all the things you had to be talented and interested in. You had to choose electronics?"

Renjun nodded at his best friend with a smile

"Well I mean. It's fun!"

"You legit stayed up all night. Fixing a computer. You missed out on all your other homework and did this one assignment. And now it's 5 minutes before school starts and you're doing homework."

Renjun nodded as he looked over his math papers. Occasionally writing down answers of jotting notes

"You chose dance Jun. Don't forget that. That takes up all your after school time."

Jun rolled his eyes at the back of Renjun's head. Sticking his tongue out at the worn out teen

"I love you and I hate you Pumpkin."

Renjun chuckled at his friend. Closing his mathbook he shoved it back into his backpack, swinging the bag over his shoulder and slipping the strap onto his shoulder

"Ok. Are you ready to go Lemon?"

The dancer wrinkled his nose at his friend
"I've been ready for hours dude. It's ME who should be asking YOU that."

"Let's just go to class."
Renjun said. Walking hand in hand with Jun

As they walked into the halls, the bell rang. Signaling that the first class of the day will start in five minutes

This was always Renjun's least favorite part of the day. When everyone was running through the halls to get to class

It was nerve-racking for him

It's not that he was claustrophobic. Because he could sure well handle tight spaces

It was the pressing of bodies against his own, the unwanted and unneeded touches to his tiny body that just made him uncomfortable

It freaked him out

He let go of Jun's hand and grabbed the edge of his sleeve again

He didn't know why. But whenever he was nervous. Grabbing the end of someone's sleeve always helped calm him down

So. Jun, Felix, and Jeno had always tried their hardest to wear long sleeves when they came to school so Renjun could clutch to the sleeves in times of need

They were his comforters

They made life a little easier

Jun smiled softly and moved Renjun to walk behind him, pressed against Jun's back. They walked to their class, Jun being the smaller's barrier


Little decision. Would y'all like me to hurry up and add the mafia part. Or kinda add more to the current. @ school part

Heliophilia {RenHyuck}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant