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I've begun writing two other books to this series

Anthelphobia. Which will be a Yuwin (yuta + WinWin) book
The basic premise is Yuta is a tattoo artist, and WinWin is a street racer 😏


Eccedentesiast: which is a Kunil (Kun + Taeil) book
I haven't had this book as planned as the Yuwin one, but basically Taeil owns a book store

And I'll probably continue the JohnTen one. Maybe if I figure out a desired plot because I just don't know if my original plot will work

Anyways back to the story

Haechan POV

Haechan slowly awoke from his peaceful sleep with a tiny body wrapped around him

Renjun's leg was thrown over Haechan's, and his arm was flung over the younger's waist

Renjun's head was in the crook of Haechan's neck, his soft breath flowing against Haechan's skin, sending a tingly feeling all over his body

Renjun moved around in his sleep, his lips brushing against Haechan's neck causing his breath to hitch, and his face began to feel numb

Renjun turned over, his back now against Haechan's torso, his head still resting on Haechan's sore arm.

The younger's body then once again moved without him

And, flipping over so his chest was flat up against Renjun's back, he snaked his arm around Renjun's waist and pulled him closer

They both sunk into each other's warmth. It was peaceful

Haechan had gotten so used to his mother's rough awakening, yelling at him, saying how lazy he for not waking up, how he can't even fend for himself because he couldn't even wake up on his own

She would criticize him more than even he would

He hated himself because she hated him

But waking up, in Renjun's arm's, peacefully, no yelling, doors slamming, or water splashed on his face made him.... Happy

It made him want himself

It made him want to love himself

And to love not only himself

But... But Renjun too

And even though he was scared to admit it. But he never wanted this moment to end

Renjun POV

And neither did he

Renjun had awoke with his back pressed against Haechan's chest, the younger's arm around his waist

The beautiful and comfortable warmth was that of playing in a field of towering sunflowers, with the sun shining so bright down on you, with a gentle breeze so it's not too hot, but not too cold

They were just right

But. Haechan noticed Renjun's awakeness, and he removed his arm from the older, rolling over so their backs were facing

Haechan slowly sat up, sliding his legs off the bed, and placing his feet down on the freezing floor

He sighed to himself

Walking to the bathroom, he prepared for the day, leaving the room. He left Renjun alone

Renjun sighed as the cold soaked into his body

Stepping out of bed, he grabbed his crutches and trudged out of the room. Too lazy to get ready at this time in the morning

Renjun made his way to the kitchen, his hair all frizzled up, eyebags under his eyes, a strap from his tank top had slipped off his shoulder

His shorts had ridden up his legs, giving the look that he was only wearing a shirt

Once he got to the kitchen, he saw Taeil at the stove making breakfast, Kun was back hugging him as they swayed softly back and forth

Johnny was sitting on a tall stool at the counter, resting his forearms on the tile as he peacefully sipped his coffee

Haechan was seated beside Johnny, his head propped up on his hands, he was munching on a granola bar, clearly tired

And Yuta who was sitting on top of Johnny and Haechan's counter, leaning against a wall, a toothpick between his teeth


Renjun mumbled, rubbing his eyes sleepily

Haechan turned his head to look at him, choking on his granola bar when he saw soft little bedhead Renjun

Yuta smoothly picked up a glass of water, passing it to the spluttering Haechan

Renjun slid himself onto the seat beside Haechan, pulling his knees up to his chest, his legs resting on the counter in front of him

Haechan stole a few glances at Renjun's smooth milky legs, wishing he could pull Renjun onto his lap and just grab them so tight he'd leave bruises-.... Nope... Nope.. he's been spending to much time with Johnny

Haechan shook his head, downing his cup of water in one go. Hoping he could cleanse his mind of these unholy thoughts

Johnny leaned over and whispered to Haechan

"You good there bro?"

Haechan nodded. Not sure if he would allow himself to speak without his voice cracking

How the fuck did Renjun go from such a hot top yesterday who Haechan would literally let choke him, and now he's a soft little squishy bottom who Haechan just wanted to slam against the counter and mark him like an empty canvas. Just waiting for an artist to come by and create a masterpiece

Oh how he wanted it

But oh how he couldn't have it

Sometimes Haechan hated himself because he wouldn't give himself what he probably deserves.

A/N where to find someone that I can cuddle every morning 😀

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