I'm Sorry

482 30 16

A/N I know I don't upload on Saturdays but I felt like being nice because I already had this chapter written out .

Renjun POV


The fridged waters engulfed into the boy's lungs

It felt like millions of needles piercing in his very insides

He felt his body collapse on itself as he sunk lower and lower into the dark depths of the water

His arms and legs felt tied down by an invisible force, making it impossible to swim

The freezing water choked out his cries of help, as he gave up his only faith in surviving


Renjun awoke in a cold sweat, the blankets wrapped around his arms and legs, one blanket wrapped tightly around his neck

Quickly unwrapping himself from the uncomfortable pieces of cloth, he got out of bed

He beat at his clothing as one would if they were covered in ants

He felt a cry of help crawling up his throat, getting caught up, it only came out as a small plea that sounded nothing more than a whimper

He knelt to the ground, brushing of his arms

Tears fogging up his vision

It was blood

Blood was all over his arms

All over his body

Where did all this blood come from

He looked up as he heard a scream

He saw a corpse standing in front of him

It was Tony

Stabbed, bloodied, dead.

"Why... Why would you do this to me?"
Tony asked, staring into Renjun's eyes

Renjun cried harder, pulling at his hair

"Get out of my head- please."
He begged pitifully

"You killed me."

"Please I'm sorry, go away please."
Renjun fell over, curled into a ball

"Please leave me along, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so so so sorry."

Renjun awoke as his body hit the floor

Awaking at the impact

He sat up, looking around, his panicked breathing was the only thing to be heard

He wiped the tears from his eyes, standing up from the ground on the heap of blankets with his shaky legs

His pride would have to shut up for a second

Haechan POV


Waking up to a soft, constant hand shaking his shoulder

"Haechan please wake up."

Opening a tired eye he saw a blurred Renjun, holding a pillow and blanket

"Oh hey Jun."

He mumbled in a deep, sleepy voice

"Can I sleep with you?"

"What's wrong?"

"I.... I had another nightmare."

Haechan nodded, scooting to the back of the couch, opening his blanket to make room for the other

Renjun quickly crawled into the empty space, his back against Haechan's chest

Haechan closed his arm around Renjun's waist, snuggling his head into the boy's neck

After a short silence, Haechan believed Renjun had fallen asleep, but then he spoke

"I'm sorry Haechan."

The younger was too tired to respond with words, so instead he pulled the older closer, placing a soft kiss on his shoulder

The two soon fell asleep, both sleeping peacefully and happily

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