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A/N school starts on Monday. And I'm so stressed rn because my sister is just ugh

Renjun POV

Renjun awoke slowly. His head throbbing in pain

He slowly opened his eyes as he felt a heavy weight against his shoulder

Renjun slowly adjusted to the lighting in the room. Blinking rapidly to fix his sight

He looked to his left and saw a mop of brown hair on his shoulder. His breath hitching in surprise before he realized.

"It's a human. And the human.. is Haechan."

Renjun scooted to his right and allowed Haechan's unconscious body fall to the floor. Ignoring the comforting warmth that left him and the uncomfortable cold that soon followed

Renjun sat in the chilling silence. Unable to fall back into a peaceful sleep as the unbearable pain in the back of his head kept him awake

Renjun observed his surroundings. Checking for any chance of escape

They were in a mostly empty room with concrete floors and walls. No windows. Just a single door on the opposite end of the room.

The only piece of furniture was a lone chair sitting in the middle of the room

Renjun slowly stood up. His body felt like jelly and quickly gave in to the movement and he crumpled back to the ground. Landing on his foot which twisted in some odd way. Making Renjun bite his lip until it bled so he would make no noise

A single tear fell down his face. Dropping helplessly onto the cold floor.

Renjun forced his body to move once more as he got up again. Pushing himself. No matter the pain. To the door

Trying the handle he closed his eyes in defeat.


Damn his luck

Renjun slowly limped back to his place on the floor with Haechan, his back pressed against the wall he slid into a seating position back beside the unconscious male

Renjun looked over at Haechan's fallen body. Studying at every tiny feature on his face. His moles that were sprinkled onto his sunkissed skin. Like stars in a galaxy. His eyelashes resting delicately on his face

His nose sloped slightly before curving into a adorable little button nose

His lips parted partially. The pair of lips being perfectly plump and looked soft as ever

Renjun watched as Haechan's chest slowly rose and fell which comforted Renjun in his life

Haechan's hands were balled up into little fists and wrapped around his waist, his legs curled up making him look like a little sushi roll

Renjun accedentaly memorized every mole, every scratch, every. As Haechan would call it 'imperfection' on the younger's face. Telling himself that it wasn't because the boy looked pretty. It was simply so Renjun could...

So he could...


Make fun of Haechan later?



Renjun wasn't sure let's be honest

Speaking about Haechan. The boy began to wake. Softly opening and closing his lips. Swallowing a few times before looking up at Renjun's face

The two stared at each other's eyes for a good while before Haechan's eye's fluttered close again.

The younger adjusted his position once more and placed his head on Renjun's lap. Facing away from the other

Renjun's breath caught in his throat as the boy made himself comfortable

"Uh... What... Are you doing?"

"Body heat. Duh. Gotta keep myself alive."
Haechan responded. His words slurring together as he fell back asleep

So Haechan is cuddly when he sleeps.


A/N. I love Haechan's moles more than life itself



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