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Renjun POV

"Merry Christmas baby."

Haechan greeted Renjun as he woke up

A smile spread across Renjun's face, as he looked at Haechan who was getting ready for the day

"Merry Christmas to you too."

Renjun got out of bed as he remembered they couldn't sleep in because they had an extremely important mission today

As they dressed they shared a few soft pecks with eachother

Once they were done getting ready, they headed down to the meeting room where Taeyong was to brief them on what was going to happen

The mission was going to start at 9:00 exactly, Taeyong would be positioned on the roof of the Sunset Hotel with a sniper rifle, he will be the one to take out the targets. Johnny will be on the roof of the building across from the hotel, and he will be in charge of keeping eyes on the targets at all times.

The other members were dispersed throughout the celebrations on the ground, Renjun and Jisung will be back at the base on coms, Ten and Kun will also be at the base, but they'll be in the hospital wing in case something happens

Haechan. Was inside the hotel on the 5th floor, watching from a window to observe what was happening

There were still several hours left until the mission, so they all just hung out until the time. Finally. Two hours before the mission

7:00 members went to go put on their protective gear and outfits for blending in

7:15 Weapons were inspected and then handed out

7:45 Taeyong went over all the details one last time, everyone making sure they were going to the right place

8:00 the members who were on the field all piled into the vehicles and drove off, leaving the four boys alone at the mansion

Haechan POV

Haechan and Taeyong entered the hotel, showing the front desk lady their ID's (which were faked to make them look like janitors)

And she nodded, allowing them to enter the hotel to 'clean'

And they hauled the bucket and mop and other 'cleaning materials' to the elevator

They went up to the top floor first, Taeyong climbing out a window to use the fire escape to get to the top floor, his sniper rifle (which had been hidden in the cleaning materials) strapped to his back so it wouldn't fall

Haechan then pushed his cart along back to the elevator and went down to the 5th floor, which was two floors down

Haechan then opened a window facing out to the events down below, then climbed out onto the fire escape

He pulled out his pair of binoculars and looked down onto the festivities. Prepared for what was going to happen next

He glanced at his watch. 8:58

Two more minutes

Taeyong should be searching for the targets, or even he should've found them by now

Haechan also searched the crowd, the three targets should be here somewhere

Looking at his watch one last time. 8:59

Taeyong was very precise on what time everything went down


Everything happened at a specific time

Not a minute before or after

And finally, as Haechan was looking around with his binoculars, he heard a suppressed gunshot from above him

He noticed a woman falling to the ground, blood pooling from her head

The man beside her seemed to be in a state of shock at first, but then he bolted

The crowd, once the realized what had happened went into panic mode, everyone running and screaming

Haechan noticed the son staring at his dead mother's body, then he looked up at the hotel where Haechan and Taeyong were

Haechan scooted back, pressing his back against the hard brick wall, unsure if the boy had seen him

Holding his breath. As if that would do anything, he waited

Then he heard another suppressed shot

He used his own vision to see the father in the distance fall as well

He was unsure if he should move or not, Incase the son was still looking

But after a few seconds he moved back to his place

Using his binoculars once more he searched the area down below for the boy

"Oh no."

It had been too long

He hadn't heard the third gunshot

What had happened

Then he heard the leader's frustrated voice break through his earpiece

"Does anyone have a visual on the kid."

Haechan continued to search the almost non-existent crowd, but saw nothing

And through his earpiece he heard the other members deny seeing the boy




And then Haechan spoke

"Sorry boss, no sight."

Haechan wasn't usually afraid of the boss, but this was a different moment, taeyong had been after these people for several years now, and he lost on of them


A low curse was spoken on the other side of the mic, then Johnny spoke from wherever he was

"Taeyong did you lose him?"

"I can't fucking lose him."

Taeyong's clearly agitated voice answered

"Taeyong it's ok, if he escapes, we'll just hunt him down."


Haechan looked up as he heard the sound of police sirens cutting through the night

He quickly spoke into the earpiece

"Taeyong the police are coming, you need to go."

He spok hurriedly as he hopped back into the hotel, collecting his stuff, and heading to the top floor

"But i-"

"Taeyong shut the fuck up and get off the fucking building right now, we'll find the boy, you're more important, you can't.get.caught."

Johnny's commanding tone sent shivers down Haechan's spine, the tall man was scary when he needed to be

There was a pause before the leader reluctantly responded

"..... Fuck you Johnny."

"Love you too Taeyong."

Those were the last words shared on the coms, and only a few seconds later Taeyong climbed through the window from the fire escape, and joined Haechan, hiding his hot gun in the cart

The two then left the hotel, not a word spoken as they got into the van and left to the base

This may be the end of Renjun and Haechan's origin story

But it's only the beginning of another.

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