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Renjun POV

"Jeno Lee I can't believe you, you son of a bitch."

Renjun shook his head in disappointment as his friend walked up to them. A obviously intimidated look on his face

"Hey... Jun."

"Mhmm don't you 'hey Jun' me."

"Are you surprised?"

"Disappointed. But not surprised. You're not very good at being inconspicuous."

Jeno sighed
"Yeah I know. Taeyong is constantly on my case about that."

"I just can't believe you Jeno, you could've told me, I wouldn't have told anyone else."

"I'm sorry Renjun, we're sworn to secrecy."

"In that case who else do I know who's in NCT. Psh Kun?"
Renjun joked

He then looked up at Jeno who had a awkward look on his face

"Oh my goodness it's Kun isn't it."

"Well- uh. You see-."

"Oh my goodness my life is a lie."
Renjun sighed, throwing his hands up in the air before letting them flop back down on the couch

"What else about you have you been lying about."
Renjun looked at Jeno with a frustrated look

"Well you know... This and that."

"Ok. Enough chit chat, Jeno. Take them on a tour of the base, then take them to my office once you're done."
Taeyong spoke before walking off

Jeno bowed towards Taeyong then faced the two once more

"Ok. Come with me I guess."

"Are you gonna untie us? Or are we going to have to never use our hands again."
Haechan asked sassily, tilting his head slightly with an unamused look

"Uh- oh yeah."
Jeno walked to the two and unbound their hands

Haechan rubbed his wrists, trying to rid the red marks that had come from the chafing of to ropes against his skin

The pair then stood up, Renjun gasped quietly as he put pressure on his foot, but he quickly painted a blank look on his face to disguise the pain

A little later

"And this is where you'll be sleeping."

"Who. Me or loser?"

Jeno haulted and lowered his hand that was gesturing to the open door that led into a bedroom

"Are you for real?"

"Uh yes. I know I look like an angel but I promise I'm re-"

"Dude you don't get separate rooms. What are you. A princess or something?"

"Well I mean technically-."

"No. You get to share. Sharing is caring."

Jeno said. Patting Haechan's shoulder, and walked past the furious boy and the stunned Chinese

"I'll share the blade of this knife with your heart."
Haechan mumbled. Making a stabbing motion with his fist

Renjun scurried up to Jeno, pulling on his sleeve

"Please Jeno. You know how much me and.... HIM hate eachother. We can't share a room, we're practically.... practically.... Enemies!"

"I would if I could. But I can't Renjun. Taeyong's orders. And who knows this could be beneficial for you."

"Beneficial? Him? Nahhh Jeno. I think the gunpowder has gotten to your head."

Jeno snickered
"I mean have you ever heard of enemies to lovers?"

Renjun nodded. The conversation change was odd

"Of course. You know me Jeno. It's my favorite book trope-."

Renjun gasped, realizing what the man meant. Whacking Jeno's arm


Renjun was about to tackle him and strangle the guts out of him, but another boy walked up

"Hey! I'm Jaemin! You must be Renjun and Haechan! It's wonderful to meet you!"

"Jaemin? Jaemin.. where have I heard that......"
Renjun whispered to himself

"Jaemin.... Hmm... OH RIGHT JAEMIN! You're Jeno's brot-"

Renjun stopped mid sentence as Jaemin and Jeno kissed eachother lightly on the lips


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