Teamwork makes a nightmare

516 23 12

A/N things are about to get goooood

Renjun POV

"So. Are we going to work at Jeno, Haechan, or my hous-."

"We can't do mine."
Jeno cut in before Renjun could finish

Renjun looked over at Jeno

Jeno smiled sheepishly as Renjun continued

"So me or Haechan's."

"I'm not letting you come to my house."
Haechan butt in

"Well we can't go to mine."
Renjun said as he remembered his parents

"So I guess you'll just have to suck up your pride and let us work at your house."
Haechan scoffed at Renjun's idea

"We are not working at my house. I don't want you to infect it."

"Oh my goodness are you 12?"
Renjun snapped at Haechan

"PSH at least I'm not old like you."

"I- I am not old."
The older spoke. Slightly offended

"You look like a 56 year old raisin. Yeah. You're old."


Haechan smirked as the other got riled up

"Hey hey hey. You're both young a beautiful. How about we just work in the park or something."
Jeno suggested before the fight got physical

Renjun and Haechan glared at eachother before Renjun spoke


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