Let's Get You Cleaned Up

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Haechan POV

Haechan was seated in the infirmary as a tired looking Kun walked up to him

"Haechan, I realize you only just got treated, but I need you to do something."

Haechan nodded, he had been treated already, his cuts and bruises had been stitched up and delt with to the best of the member's abilities, he was going to be ok he just needed time

"Yeah? What is it?"

"It's Renjun."

Haechan stood up, and walked over to Kun with a slight limp

"How may I help?"

Kun lead Haechan out of the hospital wing, as he told him what was going on

"Renjun is physically ok, thank goodness, his ankle is actually getting better, he could probably walk again... If he was willing."

Haechan tilted his head quizzically

"What do you mean?"

"He's... Well ... He's taking his actions a little hard. He won't talk, eat, get up... He won't do anything, but from what he was saying when we separated you two, we're guessing he's only willing with your help."

Haechan nodded

"Ok. No that's fine, where is he?"

"He's in your room."

Haechan patted Kun's shoulder, reassuring him that he would help as much as he would, and then walked off, leaving the older in the halls

Haechan made his way to his room, knocking softly on the door

"Hey. It's me. Haechan."


He paused waiting for some sort of response and when he received none he spoke again

"Ok I'm coming in."

Haechan slowly turned the handle, pushing open the door, stepping into the room, he closed the door behind himself

And in the dark room the curtains drawn, the light turned off, Haechan saw seated on the floor, leaning against the bed. Renjun

Haechan walked calmly over to Renjun, sitting down crosslegged in front of him

Renjun slowly looked up at him, when he saw the boy he welled up with tears

"You came back."

"Of course I did."

Renjun smiled a toothless smile, and waisted no more time wrapping his arms around Haechan's neck, pulling himself into the younger's body, seating himself on his lap

Haechan was slightly shocked at the immediate hug, but eventually wrapped his arms around the tiny body

Haechan smelled the stench of blood emanating from the older, Kun had told Haechan that he had tried to get Renjun to bathe or at least change his clothes but the boy refused, only allowing Kun to clean him as much as he could with a wet rag



"I'm going to need you to shower."

There was a pause and Haechan could feel the boy's steady breath against his neck


Haechan was about to speak, but Renjun interrupted

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