Words Of Affirmation

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A/N I'm like... Failing life rn. My counselor fr told me that I haven't shown any emotions on a large scale for far too long because I'm trying to keep myself safe

Like I haven't been genuinely mad for.... Idek when. And I'm never sad I'm just tired, and happiness is a facade to me at this point

Like idek how to feel emotions tbh

She said one day I'll just tip off the edge of emotion

And like explode or something idk

I'm not sure anymore.

Sorry for the rant 😂 anyways back to the book

Haechan POV

Haechan grabbed a towel from the rack, helping Renjun out of the tub, and wrapping it around his tiny body

Haechan walked to the room, returning with a pile of clothes in his arms

Once Renjun finished drying himself, Haechan helped dress him

Haechan made sure to grab his hoodie, and a pair of Renjun's shorts

Making the younger look even more like a marshmallow

All engulfed in the younger's hoodie

Haechan already wore hoodies that weren't his size, so it was even bigger on Renjun

The two then left the bathroom, Haechan holding a towel

They looked over hearing a knock on the door

Haechan softly instructed Renjun to sit on the bed, as he checked the door

Opening the door he found Kun and Taeil standing in the hallway, they both held a plater each, with a bowl of soup, and a few slices of bread, along with a drink for both

"We brought you dinner."

Taeil announced, passing the trays to Haechan, who accepted them only struggling a bit

"Ok we're going to go now. Ask if you need anything."

"Ok thanks!"

Haechan thanked, closing the door with his foot, he walked back into the room

"Here. Dinner."

Setting one tray on the bed in front of Renjun, and the other on the dresser, sitting himself carefully behind Renjun as to not spill anything

"I'm going to dry your hair while you eat. Is that ok?"

Haechan began to dry Renjun's hair with the towel, making it only slightly damp, but it was beginning to get frizzy, the icky blood had washed out thankfully, and so he was all clean now

However Renjun made no move to eat

Haechan understood and after Renjun's hair was mostly dry, he got up and moved to sit in front of Renjun, the tray in between them

"Do you want help eating?"

Renjun shook his head
"I'm not hungry."

Haechan sighed, a smile tainting his lips

He picked up the spoon, and stirred around the soup, letting the meat and vegetables get mixed up again as he spoke

"Remember when you made me eat because I refused?"

Renjun nodded

"This is similar to that."

The older looked up and they stared into each other's eyes

Haechan lifted the spoon now full of soup to his own lips and blew on it softly so it wasn't as hot,  and then brought it to the others lips

"Open up."

Renjun paused, then remembered that he had wanted Haechan to eat, so he might as well also eat

So after a little, Renjun parted his lips, allowing Haechan to slip the spoon in, letting the warm soup trickle down Renjun's throat, flooding his body with warmth

"Good job."
Haechan affirmed, making Renjun proud of himself

Haechan got another spoonful, lifting it once again to blow on it, then bringing it to Renjun and feeding him

This went on for a few minutes, slow but steady, everytime Renjun ate a spoonful Haechan would give him words of affirmation, making Renjun want to do more

After a while Renjun reached up, taking the spoon and began to eat

Haechan smiled, proud of the progress

Renjun swallowed his bite, speaking


Haechan chuckled lightly, getting up and getting his own tray, and also ate

Dipping a piece of bread every once in a while into the soup

The two ate in silence

Once they were both done, Haechan set the dishes away, pulling the covers away so Renjun could lay down

Patting Renjun's head, he walked off, taking a quick shower and changing his clothes

Walking back to the bed, he lay down

The two lay facing eachother, then Renjun turned over, letting Haechan stare at his back, Haechan also turned over

The two then fell asleep. Clean and full.

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