The End Of The Beginning

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A/N usually I won't put warnings for bloody chapters but this one is.... Especially bloody, and there's knifes, and very graphic... Lots... Anyways. If it makes you uncomfortable... Then you can stop reading when it says
"He didn't stand a chance"
:) <3

Renjun POV

Renjun made eye contact with Haechan as he walked back into class, sitting at his desk, turning his eyes to the teacher

Renjun checked his phone as he received a message

Just watch from a distance, I don't want you fucking things up by getting your limpy ass in the way.

Renjun scrunched his nose in annoyance, and stuck his tongue out at the back of his enemy's head

The bell finally rang and the students hurried off to their next class

Three students however had other plans, Renjun slowly packed up his stuff, telling Jun goodbye, and to go without him, he packed up his books, taking long enough so he was the last to leave the classroom

Haechan and Tony had already left, so Renjun limped along on his own to the school exit

Being stopped briefly by a guard who asked him where he was going, Renjun explained that his leg was starting to hurt and he needed to go home

The guard didn't question, as the boy was using a crutch (he now only had to use one)
And let Renjun leave the school

Renjun walked out of the guard's sight, out the door and over to a bench under a tree

Which gave him perfect view of the back of the school where Haechan and Tony were standing talking

Haechan POV

Haechan leaned against the wall, and Tony pulled a cigarette from a box in his pocket, along with a lighter from his bag

He light the cigarette, sucking on the stick a few times before removing it with this middle and ring fingers, a grey-blue cloud of smoke was emitted from his lips

Haechan and Tony watched as the cloud dispersed into the air, once it was no more Haechan turned to Tony

"So. I was wondering. What's your real name? I mean you're obviously Korean Korean as far as I know has the birth name of Tony."

Tony scoffed lightly, taking another puff from the white and brownish stick


"Ahh I see. Why'd you change it?"

"I.. I um... I got involved with a few people and decided to change it."

"How can one be so dumb to just tell me that?"

Haechan nodded
"What kinds of people?"

Renjun POV

Renjun watched in interest, only 40 ish feet from them he wasn't able to hear, but he tried his hardest to read their lips

Failing miserably.

He slowly played with the knife that was hidden in his waist band



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