It Starts Bad

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A/N I've legit been writing nonstop. I'm low-key on a high

Renjun POV

It had been 3 days since Felix and he had broken up. Felix and his family moved out yesterday. Today was Monday and Renjun was getting ready for school

He felt like shit

He probably looked it too

He hadn't showered since the day they broke up. He just felt out of it

He grabbed two hoodies and sniffed them both. Choosing the one that smelled the... Cleanest I guess. Tossing the other one back onto the floor. He shoved the hoodie over his head and walked out of his room

Not sure if he forgot to grab breakfast or he just didn't feel like it. He walked past his dad who was strewn across the couch. Snoring like a fucking pig.

Renjun rolled his eyes and walked out the front door. He grabbed his bike from beside the house and glanced at it before realizing the tires were flat.

Him already knowing he was going to be late for school he put his bike back and began to jog the fifteen minutes to school

Today was going to be a long day

A/N legit I'm mentally preparing myself for next chapter 💀💀💀💀💀

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