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A/N yo it's my birthday today 😭😭 I don't like birthday's 🕴️🕴️🕴️🕴️

Haechan POV

"The end"
Jeno said after they finished running through the script

They all closed their booklets as Jeno wolfed down the last piece of pizza, and then checked his phone. His eyes going wide

"Mmm- I haf to gof I haf fuf fo dof"

Renjun and Haechan looked at him, raising their eyebrows in questioning as the male's words made no sense with the food in his mouth

Jeno rolled his eyes, swallowing his food down with a big gulp from his drink

He let out an exasperated sigh and said
"I have to go. I have stuff to do."

He then got up, his script clenched tightly in his fist.

Walking off he stopped at the door. He paused before turning back around

"Oh. Uh. One last thing."
The two seated looked up at him

"Just... Don't freak out."
He said before running off

Renjun glanced at Haechan. Questions spread all through his face before he looked back at Jeno's fleeting figure

"Hey! Don't freak out about what??"
He questioned to the retreating male, standing up he raised a fist in a threatening manner

But the other didn't even glance back as he rushed out the door

Renjun sat back down in his seat. A glare prominent on his flawless face

"Dude he's odd."
Haechan commented after a few moments of silence

Renjun huffed in anger. Still obviously frustrated at Jeno

"He's cute when he's mad....wait no he's not. He's ugly."

Haechan shook the thoughts from his head as he continued to speak. Trying not to look at Renjun

"I mean. With him leaving early. Arriving late. Sometimes not even coming at all. And when he asked about Nct-"

"Wait he asked you about Nct?"
Renjun asked. His interest seemed to be on Haechan once again

"Uh yeah. When we met at the diner. Before you got there. Because you're always late."

Renjun rolled his eyes before speaking
"No he asked me about them the other day too."

"Hm... He's odd... What do you know about him?"
Haechan inquired

"Uhm. Well... Come to think about it. I don't know anything about him. Other then he has a younger brother. Who's name I always forget. Something with a J. And then he has a girlfriend named Jasmine who I've never met."

Renjun then realized that he knew crap about this guy that he called his friend

"Huh... Anyways. I suppose I should get going."
Haechan said. Standing up and glancing at his phone before cussing silently under his breath

"What. Did you fail Science again?'
Renjun joked

Haechan shot him a glare
"No. My phone died."

"Well I would too if I had to live with you."

"Shut up loser. The problem is. That I have no clue how to get home because I've never been here, and without my phone I have no directions home."

Renjun looked at him

The younger sighed, done with his shit
"sO genius. I can't get home without directions. My phone is dead. And you're the only one here who has a working phone with directions. And you're the only one who knows the way back, so basically, you need to take me home. Do I need to spell it out for your idiot brain?"

"Yeah yeah yeah. Together. I hear you dumbass... Fine."

Renjun agreed begrudgingly and stood up too. Glaring eye to eye with the other, lifting his disposable cup and placing the straw between his lips taking a brief sip

He repeated. Grabbing his bag and slapping down the money for their food onto the table.

He said once again, shouldering his backpack


He spat out. Clearly frustrated at this new task he had been assigned

"FiNe. I'll bAbYsiT you and take you home."

Renjun rolled his eyes. Clenching his teeth he handed the bills to the waiter that had just come by to collect the payment

"Keep the change. Come on HaeChAn"
He said. Pronouncing the name with disgust

As he began to walk out the door with the younger in toe

Haechan stifled a laugh at the older's adorable rage

Renjun POV:

"It's DARK?!"
Renjun exclaimed in pure exhaustion

Haechan looked around a sure enough. The sun only just peaking over the hills and buildings, casting lines of different shades of orange, pink and yellow across the slowly darkening sky

"Woah. Seems like time passes fast when you're having fun."
Haechan commented nudging the elder with his elbow

Renjun clenched his fists and inhaled through his nostrils

"I was not. Having. fUn."
He snapped. Glaring at the younger who had a enormous smile painted across his face

The sunset cast beautiful hues of light colors onto the younger's sunkissed face, his gloriously tanned skin glimmered in the light, making him look like he had been created with the softest tools and colors. Handmade by an angel. Crafted with the upmost care to create the most beautiful-

"Wait. Stop. No. He's not beautiful. Ew. He's ugly. Ew stop. Stupid brain"

Renjun crinkled his nose. Trying to remember why he was supposed to be mad. As all of his previous rage seemed to disappear.

"Let's... Let's just go."

Renjun said. Looking away from Haechan. Continuing down the road as the sun disappeared behind the buildings, casting a dark blue over the whole sky.

Small sprinkles of stars started gleaming in the darkness as the two made their way home through the light of the rising moon and yellow light shown down from the street lamps

A/N. Ladies and gentlemen. Him.


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