Episode 1: The Intro

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Hi, I'm Drake Night. And I'm a demon. As well as a shapeshifter, which is pretty rare these days. I am the first born from the devil himself, Kyro.

For a while, it was just me, my mother, and my father. As I got older, I started showing signs of having a shapeshifting ability. My father was thrilled, but only because he had plans to use me for his own dark advantages. And after rebelling against him time and time again, he decided to have more children who could possibly carry the same rare shapeshifting ability that he was so desperate for. A few years later, I ended up with 2 younger sisters. Seraphina, who was seven, and Violet who was six. And to Kyro's disappointment, neither of them seemed to have the rare shapeshifting ability like I did. And it only made Kyro more furious. Especially since I still refused to cooperate with his evil ways.

One day, Kyro finally had it. First he attacked Seraphina and Violet, intending on killing them since he found them useless. I then stepped in, attempting to protect them and hold him off, but I was only a kid myself, so Kyro had no trouble taking a swing at me as I blacked out onto the floor. Right before I fully fell unconscious, I saw my mother trying her best to take on Kyro. - Sometime later, I woke up and it was dark out. And I knew something was wrong because of how silent it was. The house was a wreck, broken glass, flipped furniture, as well as blood covering the floor and walls. I then shapeshifted to my black dire wolf form to see what I could find. And where everyone went. - After searching the house and not finding anyone, I noticed the back door was wide open. Their scents were more recent this way, so I left the house to see what else I could find.

After so long of searching, I found traces of their blood outside. I could smell Seraphina and Violet, as well as my mother and Kyro. I could no longer pick up a scent on any of them, but I kept desperately searching for them. - Finally, I had to just assume that they were dead. That Kyro had killed them. It no longer felt right to stay here, so I traveled far and found a small town that wasn't very known to anybody outside of it. And better yet, where nobody knew me. I was just a 14 year old kid. I lived outside in my dire wolf form majority of the time. Better for survival and defense, but not too long after living that way for a few weeks, I surprisingly ended up making a friend. His name is Luke O'Malley. Not sure why a literal angel like himself would want to be friends with a demon like me, but he ended up being my best friend. I then started living with Luke and his grandparents. They even enrolled me in school with Luke. And that's when I started out my new life, but as the years went on and I got older, something happened. I never thought it would have lead up to where I am now, in this jail cell. - You're probably wondering why I'm in here, and what exactly it was I did. So let's start from the beginning, when I came to this place called Clover Town.

~This is just the intro. Narrated by my character, Drake Night!~ (please continue reading, I promise it gets better and more interesting)

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