Episode 17: New Discoveries

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The next morning, Drake and Seraphina headed to school together.

Luke and CJ decided to wait for them at the entrance.

"Gooood morning!~" Luke said cheerfully as he waved.

Seraphina smiled, "Good morning!~ Oh, who's this?" as she looked over towards the blonde girl.

"Hiya!~ I'm CJ! Luke told me all about ya! I can definitely see the resemblance between you and Drake." the blue eyed girl spoke.

"Yeah, mostly the hair, kinda, hehe! Speaking of hair, yours is so long and silky! I love it!~" the girl demon complimented the mermaid.

Drake then let out a sigh, "Now that we've all been introduced, let's get some food." as he started heading towards the cafeteria.

"Huh? Drake, you just had breakfast." the girl demon spoke up in confusion.

The young angel laughed, "Oh, Drake eats a lot, haha! He does this most mornings."

The four of them sat down at a table in the cafeteria.

Luke then observed CJ's plate, "Why am I not surprised you grabbed a banana?" the angel remarked.

"Maybe next time I'll grab a second one just to throw at your stupid face!" CJ snapped with a mild glare.

"Sooo, Draaake." the young sister began, "Do you got a giiiirlfrieeend?~" she teased.

The older demon nearly choked on his drink, "N-No! Most the girls in this school only even look my way just because I've got a little more muscle than most guys." he explained with an eyeroll.

"It's no fair you're so popular without even trying!!" Luke whined.

A girl with long brown hair then approached the group's table, "Good morning!~" she spoke sweetly.

Once again, Drake nearly choked on his drink, "L-Lilly!?" Drake said in shock.

"Hehe!~ Wow, you've gotten tall!" Lilly pointed out, "So have you, Luke."

Luke's eyes lit up, "I know!!~ Maybe I'll get to Drake's height!"

"In your dreams, shortstack." Drake spoke nonchalantly.

Luke then expressed a dramatic frown, "Draaaake, you're so meeeean!" the angel whined.

CJ then hopped up from her seat and gave Lilly a big hug, "You didn't tell me you were coming back!!~" she said with glee.

Lilly laughed as she hugged her back, "I wanted to surprise you! Hehe!~"

A tall and muscular guy then approached the group as he wrapped an arm around Lilly and said, "Are these your little friends, Cupcake?"

Drake and Luke both remained in silence and confusion as they both thought to themselves, "Cupcake...?"

Lilly somewhat broke the awkwardness by saying, "Oh! This is my boyfriend, Bruno." she introduced with a smile.

Both the boys were in shock for a moment before Luke was the first to say, "B-Boyfriend!? How do you already have a boyfriend on your first day back!?" he questioned.

Lilly laughed a bit as she answered, "Bruno and I met when I moved away the last time. We got close and one thing lead to another. And since he's already 18 he decided to move back here with me and got his own place. He'll be finishing his last year of high school here."

Bruno then spoke up, "Nice to meet ya. Hope you two take good care of my princess here, since you have classes with her. Only part that sucks about being older. I don't get to see this pretty face enough throughout the day." as he then smirked at Lilly.

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