Episode 15: Diamond in the Rough

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After experiencing a few years of high school, life seemed pretty normal for a while.

Drake and Cadence were both now 17.

CJ and Luke were both now 16.

It was now the morning before school.

Luke's alarm went off at 6:45am as he lazily shut it off and sat up with a stretch.

Not even a second later passed, and a large black wolf dove into the bedroom through the window with a deceased turkey in its mouth.

The young angel shrieked in fear at the surprise entrance, "D-DRAKE!! - THE HECK DID I SAY ABOUT BRINGING IN YOUR PREY?!?!" he spat.

Drake replied in a muffled tone due to his mouth being full at the moment, "Yeah, yeah." As he then dropped it on the floor, "I woke up late and had a rough start. The bears were around again."

"You still don't think you can take them on?" Luke spoke as he changed into his school uniform.

"Umm, we're talking about a bear, remember? Ya know, the massive fucking woodland creatures that'll slaughter anything in sight!?" Drake replied.

Luke sighed, "Yeah, well. I've got one of those living in my room, ya know. And I'm currently still in one piece." the boy remarked.

The demon rolled his eyes, "Har har."

Luke put on his shoes and grabbed his bag all ready to go.

"Hey, ya think your grandma will notice if I just leave the turkey here while we're gone for the day?" Drake questioned.

"Luuuke!" Grandma O'Malley hollered, "Why does the house smell like death?"

Luke was not at all surprised, "Yeah, something tells me she knows, again."

Drake only groaned.

Luke then began to head to the kitchen while saying, "Hurry up and deal with the bird before you're late again."

The wolf then stuffed the turkey into a trash bag and tossed it out the window.

He hopped out the window, drug the bag to the backyard, quickly dug a hole with his paws, and buried his prey for later. He then shapeshifted back to his original form, ran inside to rinse off in the shower, and quickly got dressed for school.

Luke made it to school half an hour ago as Drake, was of course, running late again.

"Well, it's about time." CJ commented, as she was sitting at a table with Luke in the cafeteria.

"Sorry, heh. Crazy morning." Drake spoke as he sat down next to Luke.

The young angel sighed, "Drake, I know it's extremely difficult for you, but could you somewhat try being a normal roommate sometimes? At least until we graduate and get our own places?"

Before Luke knew it, the demon had rested his head on the table and taking a nap.

CJ then spoke up, "Did you forget he power naps before home room? He didn't hear a word of that, moron."

"Uuuugh...." the blonde boy whined.

As the day went on, school was halfway over for the day as the trio met up during their free period.

Surprisingly enough, Drake was actually excelling throughout school with his grades, even though his attendance lacked a bit.

"Did you guys hear that Cadence is entering another art competition?" The long blonde haired girl brought up, "The winner for this one will have their artwork displayed in the local art museum, permanently!"

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