Episode 28: Forest Wonders

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After a few weeks, Drake's wound finally healed up nicely. But it was now a massive scar across his shoulder.

Everyone was currently at the O'Malley household.

"Hey, Violet. You still have water ability, right?" Drake asked his youngest sister.

"Yup! Always! Why?" she questioned.

"We need to make sure the bears aren't able to attack anyone again. We need to head out to the forest and make the river a complete circle all around in the center of the forest. So they'll have their side, and we'll have ours. I don't want any of you getting hurt because of these damn bears..." Drake explained.

Violet nodded in agreement, "You're right. Let's do it."

"The heck is water ability?" Luke asked as he was upside down in a chair, reading a book.

"Water ability means I can control water at will. I can even pull it from the air." Violet explained as she took some water from a vase and splashed the angel in the face with it, "See?"

The angel did not seem amused, "Ya know, I would've just took your word for it."

Drake couldn't help but cackle a bit.

Seraphina overheard and walked into the room, "Well, if you guys are both going, I'm coming too. Just in case anything happens."

"Fiiine." Drake groaned, "Luke, you wanna tag along?" he asked the angel.

"Nah, I think I'm good." Luke answered, "Ben and the others are about to be here soon anyways."

Drake, Seraphina, and Violet then headed out to the forest.

Drake shapeshifted into his dire wolf form for better and quicker digging as Violet used her water ability to motion the water where needed. They did this in a huge complete circle throughout the forest. Other woodland animals could hop over or walk along the small rocks if they wished, but the bears didn't dare to try to cross.

Once they were finally done, Drake was a muddy mess. So he got into the river to rinse off before heading home.

Seraphina and Violet stuck around while he was finishing up.

As they observed the forest, they quickly realized that they had never seen any other woodland animals around before. Only the killer bears.

One of the bears then approached Drake from behind while he was in the water and roared at him ferociously from the ledge.

"DRAKE!" Seraphina called out in worry.

Violet quickly used her water ability to splash the bear in the face and tried freezing the water over its eyes to temporarily blind it, but the bear broke the ice in seconds, only to roar louder with anger.

Drake managed to escape just in time before the bear was able to get ahold of him and stood by his sisters.

"W-Why does it keep trying to attack?" Seraphina questioned.

"I don't know." Drake replied, "I guess maybe it's just instinct? Trying to protect the forest, its home."

Violet then kneeled down to her brother, "Are you okay? The bear didn't hurt you again, right?" as she looked over him for wounds.

"I'm alright, Vi." Drake reassured her. "We should head back."

As the girls walked ahead, Drake took a quick glance behind him to find several different sized eyes staring at him and his sisters from deep within the forest.

He didn't want to alarm his sisters, so he ignored it and went on home.

On their way back, the siblings saw Mazikeen running towards them at full speed and then immediately hugging the girls, "Are you guys okay!?!? I heard the bear all the way from the house!"

"We're fine, mom." Seraphina reassured their mother.

Mazikeen then hugged Drake, "You're not hurt again, right?"

"No, mom. I'm okay, really. What's the matter? You seem really shaken up." Drake asked with a worried expression.

"I just... I just don't want to lose any of you...ever again..." Maze admitted with misty eyes.

Violet gently placed a hand on Maze's arm, "Momma, you're not gonna lose us. Not again." she reassured their mother.

"Y-You three...are all that matters most to me... I can't bear to lose you... Even just the thought of it hurts..." Maze sobbed as she continued to embrace the black wolf as he nuzzled affectionately.

The four of them then headed back to the O'Malley house.

Once they entered, there was a lot of commotion going on inside.

"HE WON'T WAKE UP!!" Cadence panicked.

As they got to the living room, Luke was unconscious on the floor.

Drake's eyes quickly widened.

"WHAT HAPPENED!?!?" Mazikeen questioned as she rushed over to the blonde angel.

"We just found out he hasn't eaten ANYTHING in DAYS!" Ben explained in a panic, "W-We tried to get 'em to eat something once we noticed him getting the shakes, and that's when he told us. And once he stood up, he just collapsed."

CJ placed a pillow underneath the angel's head, "He hit his head pretty hard... Maybe we should take him to the hospital."

The blonde boy then let out a groan, "I'm fine...." as he slowly sat up.

"You're clearly NOT fine, Luke! Why aren't you eating!?" Drake questioned in worry.

"I... I don't know..." Luke began, "I just don't have the desire, I guess? I don't feel hungry. Any food I look at just seems gross in a sense. And, when I do try to eat, I feel sick right away. I'm not sure how else to explain it..."

The black wolf didn't say another word as his ears fell back, and he let out a faint whimper of concern as he walked over to the angel and gently sat his head on the boy's lap.

The blonde boy placed a hand onto the wolf softly.

"Luke, dear." Mazikeen spoke softly.

That single word nearly brought Luke to tears as it pulled at his heart strings.

"You need to see the doctor about all of this. These symptoms may only get worse. You need to eat. We don't wanna see you get bad again." Mazikeen said sincerely with a softened gaze.

Luke took in a breath, "I know, you're right..." as he rubbed the black wolf's head.

Mazikeen then gave the angel a tender hug as she placed a kiss on his head.

Lilly got Luke a glass of some fresh orange juice and handed it to him, "Do you need anything?" she asked kindly.

"No thank you. I'm alright." Luke replied as he drank the juice.

Lilly then sat next to Drake, who still had his head on the angel's lap.

She couldn't help but think to herself over how sweet the demon was, and how much he cared for others.

Mazikeen then affectionately ruffled the angel's blonde hair before she stood up and headed to the kitchen to make some dinner.

Seraphina made the couch all comfy with extra blankets and pillows. And even brought in a couple of large bean bags for the floor.

"We should have a movie night!~" Seraphina suggested with a grin.

"Sure, that sounds fun, hehe.~" Luke replied with a smile.

~ End of Episode 28 ~

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