Episode 22: Family Fun

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It was now the next day, Saturday.

Drake and Seraphina slept on the bedroom floor of Violet's room, waiting for her to wake up.

Drake slept in his wolf form so his sister could comfortably sleep on him and use him as a pillow.

Violet then turned over in her sleep, and that was the first movement she had made since she got there.

The wolf heard the movement as his ears twitched at the sound and he woke up. He moved closer to the younger sister and nuzzled her hand with his canine nose.

The young girl jumped at the touch and nearly fell out of bed as she sprung up.

"W-Woah! Vi! It's okay, it's me, Drake." the black wolf reassured her.

"Drake....?" the young girl spoke as she observed the wolf before her, as he gently placed his head in her lap.

Violet then softly ran her fingers through the wolf's fur, "It is you! I should've known by your big brown eyes, hehe!~"

Drake then sat up and nuzzled Vi's face as his tail wagged happily.

"And I assume the snoring one on the floor is Seraphina?" Violet remarked.

The older brother laughed, "Heh, yeah. We stayed in here in case you woke up in the middle of the night. We didn't want you to be scared waking up in a new place, alone."

"Yeah, I know her bubble gum pink streaks anywhere, hehe!~" Violet spoke as she continued to pet the wolf as his tail swayed back and forth contentedly.

"You look so much like Hana, besides the blue eyes. You're like a spitting imagine of her." Drake pointed out.

Violet smiled, "And you look just like mom, hehe. But with Aunt Hana's eyes."

Oh, that's right. Mom returned Vi's memories as well before Seraphina and I fell asleep.

"Umm, Vi. Do you still have the mark?" the wolf asked with hesitation.

Violet then pulled down her sleeve, a little below her shoulder to reveal the devil horns that mimicked the sight of a birthmark, "Yup, still there. I'm still not exactly sure what it's even for though."

Seraphina then sprung up from her slumber while making an unholy snore sound, "Oh, hey. You're both up." as she yawned and rubbed her eyes.

"Aaaand the beast has awoken." Drake remarked.

The youngest sibling couldn't help but giggle at her brother's remark.

Seraphina then raised a brow before dragging the older brother back onto the floor with her by one of his hind legs and relentlessly scribbled her fingers all over his sides.

The wolf squealed at first before giggling and cackling like a mad man and struggling in the little demon's grip, "S-hahaha! Seraphahaha!! Kn-Knhahack it off! Hehahaha!!"

Violet simply observed her rambunctious siblings. Remembering how she and Seraphina use to double-team the black wolf when they were little kids 'til he was practically in tears.

Seraphina then ceased her playful attack and finally allowed the older brother to breathe.

"That was fun! Hehe!~" Seraphina stated cheerfully. She then stood up and gave her little sister a hug.

Mazikeen then came into the room and immediately looked to the floor as she saw Drake still trying to catch his breath, "Oh, that's why I heard your brother squeal. Surprised you haven't killed him yet." she said nonchalantly.

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