Episode 5: What Is This?

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Can't believe it's already winter season now. School has surprisingly flown by. Just a couple more weeks and we'll be back to school again.

It was the weekend, so Drake and Luke were enjoying the outdoor winter wonderland while they could.

Luke fell back into the fluffy snow and began moving his arms and legs up and down, and side to side. "Look, Drake! I'm making a snow angel!~ Get it? Snow angel? Haha!~" Luke joked.

"Phht! - Idiot." Drake stated with a smirk.

"Says the one making snow tunnels in his wolf form." Luke replied.

"You cannot deny that this is cool!" Drake boasted as he continued his tunnel making.

"Boys! Come inside. I've got hot cocoa ready!~" Grandma hollored from the porch. Both the boys sprung up and bolted inside for the amazing hot cocoa.

Drake shapeshifted back to his original form.

"Sooo, it's basically warm chocolate milk?" Drake spoke as he investigated the hot cocoa mug in his hands.

Luke already began drinking his, "Just drink it." he replied.

Drake took one sip and absolutely loved it. His wolf tail even appeared and began to wag like crazy as he took a couple more sips.

Luke just grinned to himself at the sight.

They spent their break goofing off and playing in the snow.

Winter break is now over, so it's back to school.

Luke was in an optimistic mood as always, which still kind of annoyed me.

"Do you want me to show you around again, just like on your first day?" Luke asked with a joyful and peppy attitude.

Drake replied in an annoyed tone, "I've been going here for months now, dude. I know my way around."

Luke then joked, "Yeah I know. I just thought it'd be fun to be your tour guide again!~ Haha!"

Drake said, "I'm just glad it's our last year here."

As they were walking to their lockers, a girl with long dark brown hair bumped into Drake and ended up dropping her things all over the floor in front of them.

The obvious timid girl went into a flustered panic as she said, "I-I'm so sorry! I was just trying to find my locker, so I was a bit distracted..." and quickly gathered her things.

"No worries. What's your locker number?" Drake asked the girl.

She answered, "Oh, it's number 114." Drake thought for a moment and went on to say, "Oh, it's actually over there near mine. It should be the last locker."

The girls' expression then changed to a soft smile, "Thank you so much!~ I'm Lilly by the way."

Drake replied with his usual aloof expression, "I'm Drake."

Lilly continued to smile and said, "It was nice to meet you!~ I really appreciate your help. I'll see you around!~" and headed off to her locker.

Luke broke the few seconds of silence to say, "She seems nice."

Drake replied, "Yeah, I guess. Let's just get to our class before we're late."

Luke enthusiastically said "Oh yeah! We have the same homeroom this semester! Sweet!~"

Drake sighed, "Let's just get today over with."

It was time for homeroom, and Drake and Luke made it to class on time.

The energetic homeroom teacher, Ms. Everhart started off by saying, "Good morning, everyone!~ - Before we get started, I would like to introduce a new student who just joined Clover Middle. This is Lilly Beverleigh. She recently moved here to Clover Town. Please be kind and make her feel welcome."

Lilly greeted the class with a smile, "Thank you, ma'am. - It's nice to meet you all!~ I hope to make lots of new friends." and then took a seat.

"Alright, let's get started!~" Ms. Everhart said enthusiastically.

After that first meeting with Lilly, I started noticing her more often after that. And every time I'd see her, she always has that stupid grin on her face. There's nothing special about her. She's nothing more than just a regular human. So... What is this feeling?

"Drake?" Luke said in question.

Drake then came back to reality from his deep thinking, "Huh!? - Oh, sorry. Just got a lot on my mind I guess.. What were you saying?"

Luke reminded, "We gotta finish this project before tomorrow or we'll lose an important graaade."

Drake replied, "I know, I know. We'll get it done."

Drake continued on with the project, but couldn't help but notice the blonde boy staring at him.

Drake then groaned, "WHAAAT?"

Luke replied in a low tone, "It's just... I worry about you sometimes. Ever since you went out of control over the summer."

Drake sighed, "Be honest, Luke.. Are you afraid that I'll kill you?"

Luke quickly answered, "NO! - I-It's nothing like that! I just... I don't want you to get hurt, or get taken away. I don't want to lose you, Drake..." as his eyes began to mist and overflow with tears.

Drake never realized just how much Luke truly cared about him up until now.

Then, Luke found himself being hugged by Drake for the first time.

"Thank you." Drake said calmly.

Luke then hugged Drake back and began to wail. Drake stayed with him in that moment, just letting his friend cry as much as he needed.

After a while, Luke calmed down and they finished the project.

Once they were done, they went straight to bed. During the night though, Drake ended up having some pretty vivid nightmares of his old home life with his family.

He eventually woke up and realized he nearly tore his pillow and sheets to shreds. He then quietly made his way to the bathroom, looked in the mirror, and saw that his eyes were red once again.

He was still in his usual form, but his wolf form began to murge through in bits.

All he could feel was a strong urge to tear apart everything in sight. Especially anything living and breathing, he wanted to kill.

Drake did his best to fight against it.

He then noticed his fangs becoming razor sharp once again as well as his claws, and immediately punched the mirror as hard as he could.

Realizing what he had just done, he could only shake and tremble as he stared down at his now bloody cut up knuckles.

The hell....is wrong with me!?

~ End of Episode 5 ~

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