Episode 9: Suprise!

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After a long week of school, it was officially the weekend!

Another lovely morning at the O'Malley household.

"Goooood morniiiiing!~" Luke sang to his sleeping beast of a roommate.

Drake only grumbled of course and turned over towards the wall to continue ignoring the noisy angel.

"Haaaaaappy belated birthday!" Luke sang more.

The demon then sat up, "Huh?? What are you talking abo-", before he could continue that sentence, his friend blew a confetti popper which got confetti all over his bedhead.

Drake did not seemed amused one bit, "The heck are you goin' on about?"

"Well, grandma pointed out to me the other morning that we missed your birthday recently. And we thought we'd make it up to you by throwing you a party!" Luke explained.

Drake looked stunned for a moment as he said, "Y-You guys don't have to do that, really."

"But we want to because we love you!~" Luke enthusiastically spoke as he gave his friend an affectionate hug.

Drake had to wrap his head around for a second with what was just told to him.

"Y-You guys....love...me?" the demon questioned as he then accidentally shapeshifted into his dire wolf form, while still stuck in the hug.

"Aaand none of that tonight. We'll be having guests." Luke stated.

"GUESTS?!" Drake panicked.

Luke laughed, "Yes, guests! You can't have a party without guests." as he released the hug.

"You do realize that you're my only friend, right? Who'd you invite? Woodland animals?" Drake remarked.

Luke rolled his eyes, "Nooo. I invited my friends! And then they'll become your friends too! I also invited Lilly."

The little wolf immediately blushed, "Lilly?! - Sh-She can't see me like this! No one can!" he spat.

"Relax. No one is gonna find out. It's just a party." the angel reassured.

"But-", the demon began to say before Luke's grandma hollered for them, "Booooys! Breakfast is readyyy!~"

The pair went down to greet the grandparents.

Grandma turned around as the boys came in, "Oh!~ I had forgotten just how adorable your wolf form was!" she spoke as she petted Drake's head.

Once grandma was done, Drake shapeshifted back to his original form and sat at the table with everyone.

Grandma prepared everyone's favorite waffles. Bacon-bits waffles especially for Drake, banana waffles for Luke, and raspberry waffles for grandma and grandpa.

After enjoying a late morning breakfast, it was time to decorate!

Luke made Drake stay up in their room though while they prepared everything, so it would still kind of be a surprise. And waiting for each guest to arrive.

After a couple hours of Drake being extremely bored, everything was finally ready.

"Draaake! You can come back out now!" Luke hollered.

Drake let out a huff, "Finally." as he headed down, "You're decorating for a small party, not a whole festival. - Woah, the backyard looks sick!"

The backyard was lit up with little lights hanging around, there was a buffet table with all kinds of sweet, salty, and savory snacks, and music playing.
There was also a comfy seating area in front of a movie projected on the side of the house.

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