Episode 8: New Things

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Bit of a time skip here.

It's been a few months since that night (or morning really).

Luke and Drake had a busy day of school that has now come to an end for the day.

The boys have different classes at the end of the day, so they usually meet up at the school gate and walk home together.

But today, Drake never showed up.

Luke just assumed he got in trouble with a teacher again for slacking off and had to stay after like a few times before. So he just went on home without him.

Drake was actually just wondering the school grounds and made his way to the school community garden.

Fuck... I can't think straight lately! There's always something on my mind. I hate it... I wish I could just make it stop.

As Drake walked through the garden, he heard a noise coming from behind the greenhouse and decided to check it out.

If I could shapeshift right now I could easily sneak up on whatever this is, but there's no telling if the school has any cameras around the garden or not. I can't take that chance.

As Drake peaked around the corner of the greenhouse, he saw a small girl with long brown hair sitting on the ground and crying.

Wait, is that....Lilly?

"Uhmm, Lilly?" Drake spoke.

Lilly quickly looked up from her hands with surprise and saw Drake standing before her, "D-Drake!? W-What are you doing here? School's over. And you're not even part of the Gardening Club."

"I heard something. - I guess it was you. Why are you hiding back here?" Drake asked.

Lilly wiped her face as she replied, "I was just leaving class when some kids started throwing paperwods at me and calling me names... I tried just walking away, but they wouldn't leave me alone... So I ran off and hid here..."

"Oh... What were they calling you exactly?" Drake asked.

"Th-They keep calling me ugly..." Lilly cried as she looked away and covered her face.

Drake was surprised by her answer, as it became silent for just a moment, "You shouldn't care what they think. Just because they say stuff like that, doesn't mean it's true. - And for what it's worth, I don't think you're ugly." Drake said, as he stared straight ahead.

Lilly looked back up at him with tears in her eyes, taken aback by his kind words.

Drake then looked back over towards her.

He then quickly became flustered once he realized she was staring at him and immediately looked away, "W-What are you staring at me for!?" he asked nervously.

"Heh, thank you." Lilly replied with a sweet smile.

"Y-Yeah, yeah! - You're okay now, right?" Drake said while still looking away, trying to seem serious.

Lilly only smiled more, "Yeah, I'm okay."

"Great. - I'm gonna go now. See ya." Drake spat as he walked away.

Lilly had a slight blush across her face as she thought to herself, "He's...so sweet."

Drake then made his way home, where he was greeted by his blonde friend, "Drake! Where have you been? I couldn't find you when school ended." the angel whined.

"Sorry, I got distracted on my way home." the demon explained.

"Well don't do it again!" Luke spat, "You could of missed dinner! We're making your favoriiiite!~" he sang.

Drake's eyes lit up a bit, "You went out and hunted down a duck!?"

"Nooo. We went out and bought one from the market." Luke spoke.

Drake then went back to his usual scoul-like expression, "You guys are no fun." as he crossed his arms and stuck out his tongue towards the angel.

"Don't make me poke you again." the angel threatened.

The demons' face became slightly red with embarrassment, "Sh-Shut up!!"

The next day:

It was another school day.

The boys did share a couple classes together this year. Their homeroom class as well as the class before their very last one of the day.

The one they shared near the end of the day was Biology with Coach Clay.

"Alright, class!", Coach Clay spoke, "Today we're gonna start preparing you for what you'll be learning in your first year of high school biology! - Let's start with a being called creetures. It's pronounced just like creatures, but instead of spelled with an a, it's with two e's in the beginning."

This sounds kind of familiar. Did my mother teach this stuff to me and my sisters before we got separated?

Drake then raised his hand.

"Yes, Drake? What's your question?" Coach Clay asked.

"So what exactly is a creeture? Are they considered dangerous? Are there any near our town?" Drake spoke.

"Woah there! Haha! That's a handful of questions there. I guess I could go ahead and answer them." Coach Clay replied, "A creeture is an animal with a human soul. Their eyes are even different. They appear more human than animal! And, they talk! They're always born from humans. Scientists believe it's some sort of genetic mutation problem since these creeture births appear at random. Now for being dangerous, there have been quite a few cases of dangerous ones. Going in disguise for example. Some creetures will disguise themselves by wearing animal-like eye contacts. Their eyes are the main way to spot out a creeture right away! Now as for any being near us, thankfully no. Our town has always been a calm and peaceful one. Especially thanks to our amazing mayor!" the coach explained, "Now, any other questions? One at a time please!"

Hmm, didn't know we'd be learning about different beings in this class. Let's just hope we don't start learning about demons and shapeshifters. Or else some of the kids might end up finding out about me. As far as everyone but Luke and his family knows, I'm just an ordinary demon.

Now after school:

"Draaaake, come onnnn. You're so slow." Luke whined while waiting at the school gates.

Drake huffed, "I'm comin' damn it!"

"Waaaait! - Drake!" Lilly hollered as she caught up to him.

"Lilly? Hey, what's up?" Drake spoke calmly.

Lilly said, "Sorry, I just wanted to give you this, as a thank you."

Drake accepted the gift as Lilly handed it to him, "A red bandana?" he questioned.

"Oh! I've noticed you have a dog. I've seen the shedded fur on your clothes and school bag. I've also seen some dirty pawprints on your bag time to time too." Lilly explained with a smile.

Luke couldn't help himself at all but bust out laughing, "PHHT! HAHAHAHAHA!!"

Lilly than appeared rather confused, "What's so funny?"

"N-Nothing! He's stupid! A moron, really! Hehe!" Drake nervously spoke with sheepish smile, "Thanks for the bandana though! I'm sure m-my dog will love it! Heh! - But we gotta get going now, see ya!"

Drake then tossed Luke over onto his shoulder and ran all the way home.

They were now inside their shared bedroom.

"HAHAHA! I can't believe she thinks that you have a dog!! That's hilarious!" Luke laughed.

"It's seriously not that funny." Drake said sternly as he was shapeshifted into his wolf form, now wearing the red bandana.

"Aww!! Look at the wittle doggie!~" Luke teased.

Drake then growled and snapped at the angel, just enough to scare him. Which worked wonderfully, because Luke ended up screaming like a girl.

~ End of Episode 8 ~

ZemblanityOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora