Episode 13: Behind Closed Doors

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The next morning finally came around.

Luke let out a big yawn as he sat up with a long stretch. After a small moment of doing so, he noticed his demon friend on the floor by his bed in the middle of several books.

"Drake!? Have you been up all night!?" the blonde boy questioned in surprise.

The demon casually looked up from his deep reading, "Oh? Uh, yeah... Heh. What gave it away?"

The angel did not seem amused, "Oh, I don't know. Probably the new line of bag accessories under your eyes!?!?" he spat.

"To be fair, don't I usually have bags under my eyes?" Drake remarked.

"Y-Yeah! But not THAT bad!!" Luke spat once more, "The heck are you reading anyways? The only time I've seen you so dedicated to something is when you're hunting."

Drake let out a huff, "Just thought I'd try doing more research on the demon crap. Since you were able to overcome your powers the way you did, I just thought maybe I could do the same."

"Uhhh, I don't think that's a good idea, man. Those two powers are pretty different from each other." Luke expressed nervously.

"You're actually right. It's not a good idea at all." Drake spoke, "I came to that conclusion hours ago when I came across this section that says, if a demon allows their full power to take over, their former memories will be completely wiped and they'll never be the same as before. Their eyes will become blood red, and they'll continue to spread havoc until executed eternally."

The young angel was a bit stunned for a moment, "Well, that just cut to the chase, didn't it? So, in other words, no going full-blown demon mode for you."

"And if I ever do?" Drake questioned as he raised a brow.

"Then I guess I would have to execute you and then myself! OH! Such sweet sorrow!~" the blonde boy joked as he did a dramatic pose.

The demon went back to his usual aloof expression as he remarked, "Last I checked, we weren't star-crossed lovers."

Grandma O'Malley then walked in with a plate of homemade snacks, "There are my boys.~ Oh my, that sure is a lot of books!" she pointed out as she sat down the plate for them.

"Yeah, we're just trying to learn more about our abilities." Luke spoke.

Drake on the other hand was already stuffing his face with the plate of snacks.

Grandma O'Malley only smiled as she said, "Well, you just let me know if you boys need anything." as she left the room.

"Since it's the weekend, wanna see if the gang wants to hangout today?" Luke suggested.

Drake smiled, "Sure. While you're giving everyone a call, I'm gonna take a nap." He then shapeshifted into his wolf form and burrowed underneath his blankets on his bed.

Luke decided to first give the twins a call, "Hey, Jasper! Would you and Cadence wanna hang out later today? We could probably meet up at CJ's again."

"Sure. Sounds fun. Just gotta run it by our Ma and Pa first. We'll see ya soon." Jasper responded. He then hung up the phone.

"Ma! Pa!", Jasper called out, "Cadence and I are gonna hang out with some friends for a bit."

Pa then struck the boy harshly across the face, making him fall to the floor, "Don't you think you should of asked first, boy?! You don't run things around here!" he barked.

Cadence rushed over to her brother immediately as she coward before their father.

Jasper stood up, "I didn't think it would be an issue since we already finished all of our chores for the day!"

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