Episode 25: Unfortunate Events

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A few weeks have passed since that night in the bathroom.

Mazikeen didn't leave Drake for a single moment and held him throughout the whole night. Even after he had fallen asleep many hours later.

She knew something intense really shook him up. Seeing him that way brought back memories for her from back when he was just a small child. How Kyro would terrorize him and physically abuse him. After a while, Drake started to fight back once his first little sister was born. He wanted to protect her as much as he could. And he did the same thing for his youngest sister who eventually came along as well.

Mazikeen grew close with her kids again, especially Drake, who began leaning on her more and more.

The next morning after the incident, Luke woke up hurling all over the floor once again.

Seraphina walked in on the scene, "DRAAAKE!! I'M GONNA KILL LUUUKE!"

Luke then let out a belch, "...has anyone seen my purple chicken....?" he mumbled while still half asleep.

Drake still lived with the O'Malley family, but he'd stay with his mother and sisters on the weekends. Plus, they all went to the same school, so they got to see each other all the time.

Tonight was a Friday night, and it was Clover Town High School's big basketball game event. Ben had been practicing and training hard for this night, and other opportunities like this to come. Him and his team were ready to win.

"Go, Ben!~ Wooo!!~" Cadence cheered from the stands. She even wore his jersey number for him.

Drake, Lilly, Luke, CJ, Seraphina, and Violet all showed up as well for support.

Seraphina was taking lots of pics with a professional camera she recently got.

Luke was chowing down on chili dogs and cheering along with Cadence.

Violet and CJ shared a massive bag of cotton candy as they watched the game.

Drake and Lilly cuddled up with each other as they enjoyed their time with their friends.

Finally, it was the end of the game. And Ben Calloway's team won!

The crowd cheered and the team rooted for their captain, Calloway.

Cadence scurried down from the stands and leaped into a hug with Ben as they shared a tender kiss.

Seraphina took the sweet opportunity to snap a pic of the adorable moment for some albums she was putting together for everyone. So each person in the group could have their own copy.

The gang then went out for ice cream to celebrate Ben's victory.

"Ya know, I can't believe we're all nearly done with high school! Time has gone by way too fast! Anyone got plans for what they're gonna do after we graduate?" Ben asked enthusiastically.

"I'm gonna open up my own fashion boutique in town!~" CJ boasted with a bright grin.

"Ooooo!~ I can't wait to see what kind of clothes you come up with!!" Violet said with excitement.

"How about you, Drake?" Ben asked curiously.

"As long as I'm with my girl, I don't really care what I do." the demon answered with a smile as he had his arm around Lilly, who couldn't help but blush at his answer.

Cadence added, "I know what you mean, hehe! I, for one though, hope to become a famous artist!~ Or maybe a musician. I've really been getting into music lately too."

"Oh, you guys should hear Cady singing! She sounds like a literal angel." Ben boasted proudly.

Cadence immediately became bashful in the moment, "Oh... Heh, I-I don't know about that, Ben... I mean, I like it, but-"

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