Episode 10: Moving On

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It's been a week since the incident between Drake and Lilly, when she discovered his shapeshifting ability and saw him in his wolf form.

Oddly, no one has seen or heard from Lilly since then. Not even at school. She's been absent this entire time and nobody knows why.

- Now at CJ's house in the backyard -

CJ spoke, "I can't believe Lilly hasn't been at school for a whole week! My classes have been super duper boring without her. And she's not responding to any of my texts either!!" she pouted, while in her mermaid form in her pool.

Luke was just chilling in a donut floaty as he added, "It sucks the teachers can't tell us why either. By the way, CJ, how did you say you and Lilly met?"

"We met here in Clover Town when we were toddlers, but then she had to move away due to her dad's job stuff. And then his job stuff ended up changing or something and they moved back here. I don't know all the details. Just stupid adult things that us kids unfortunately just get dragged along by." the mermaid replied.

The angel boy then paddled over to his wolf friend, who was currently slumped on a long rectangular floaty that kept him completely out of the water.

"Come on, Drake! Come swim around with us! Let's see who can dive the fastest!!" Luke tried to persuade the little wolf with a challenge.

"Like I said the first time", Drake spoke, "I. AM. NOT. Getting in the water! I don't swim!" he spat with a slight snarl.

"Okay, okay! Geez. Whatever you say, Sir Grouchytail." Luke replied.

Drake didn't say a word.

He only continued to lie there on his floaty as he then moved a paw and used one of his claws to poke a hole in Luke's donut floaty with ease.

Luke was absolutely flabbergasted.

"H-HEY! - Ya meanie!" the angel spat as his floaty quickly began to deflate beneath him and allowing him to now sink.

CJ snickered at the sight, "Chill out, blondie. It's not like you can't swim." she commented.

The angel sighed, "I knowww, but I was having fun only having to barely swim to get around."

The mermaid then dived under the water and used her pink tail to quickly tilt Drake's floaty, causing him to fall into the water, and then she came back up to the surface, "There! Happy now?" she spoke.

"Yes, very much so!~" Luke replied smugly.

Drake swam back up to the top and hacked a bit before saying, "The heck was that for!? Ya damn sea-monkey!"

CJ spoke, "Blondie was pouting because you won't play."

"Well maybe I just don't feel like playing right now." the wolf replied sternly as he swam to the edge of the pool and climbed out.

Luke spoke up, "Okay, seriously, what's wrong with you? You've been acting off for days, Drake."

Drake shook majority of the water off himself before saying, "You should know exactly what's wrong! I shouldn't have to say it! Lilly SAW ME! So now she's probably too damn terrified to come around anymore! And who could blame her?! I'm a fucking freak!!" he snapped.

Luke became silent since he knew there was nothing else he could say to change Drake's mind when he's like this.

CJ couldn't help but look at the little wolf sincerely. She then swam over to the edge towards him and said, "Hey, you're not a freak. You're just different. And there's nothing wrong with that. I'm not sure why Lilly reacted the way she did, but I'm sure there's a good reason for it. And I know for a fact that she doesn't see you as a freak. She didn't think that way of me when she saw my tail for the first time."

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