Episode 24: "I Own You."

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After a while, Mazikeen finally managed to calm herself down. Pulled herself together and went back home.

She decided not to tell Drake and the girls about her encounter with Kyro. She didn't want to worry or upset them over the matter any further.

Shortly after the incident, the dance had come to an end, and everyone went home.

Unfortunately, Luke got wasted off his ass at the dance. He found a couple of guys who snuck in alcohol and drank his worries away. His anxiety was going haywire over Drake, so he decided a few drinks would do the trick to take the edge off.

Seraphina and CJ used themselves as crutches to help Luke back to Maze's house. Violet showed worry for the drunk angel. Within the short time she'd gotten to know him, she knew this wasn't like him at all. Also, probably his first time ever being drunk for that matter.

Once they got to the house, Maze was sitting in the kitchen drinking a glass of wine, "What the fuck happened to him?" she nonchalantly questioned.

Seraphina tossed the wasted angel onto the couch, "This dumbass decided to get drunk off his ass!! So we had to drag him back here, so his grandparents don't see him like this! Damn idiot!!"

"Alright. I assume Drake is still with Lilly since he's not with you?" Mazikeen asked as she sipped her wine.

"Y-Yeah, exactly, heh." Violet answered.

The less she knows about what happened tonight, the better.....

Luke then limply hung over the side of the couch, "i WaNnA gO tO tHe mOoN~ aNd pEt Alllllllll tHe PuRpLe cHicKeNs~" and immediately puked onto the floor and passed out right there.

Seraphina groaned, "FOR FUCKS SAKE, LUKE!!"

"Yeaaaah, I'm not cleanin' that up." CJ added with a disgusted look as she backed away.

"If he weren't Drake's best friend, I'd probably kill him at this point." Seraphina said as she went to grab cleaning supplies.

Back at the woods, Lilly eventually got Drake to calm down. After a while, they just enjoyed each other's company and snuggled underneath the starry sky, as they lyed in the grass.

Lilly gently ran her fingers through the black wolf's fur soothingly as she rested her head on top of his.

"Lilly... Can I ask you something?" the wolf spoke quietly.

"Of course." the emerald eyed girl replied.

The demon hesitated for a moment, "Why did you run off the first time you saw my wolf form? You say now that you aren't afraid, but you seemed absolutely terrified back then. And then a week later, when you said goodbye, you acted like nothing even happened."

"My father always told me how beings like creetures, shapeshifters, powerful demons, almighty celestials, and others were dangerous. And if I were to ever encounter one, to run away. Any being that wasn't human, an angel, or an ordinary demon was a threat, and should be feared. He told me those things for as long as I can remember. But, when I met you, you weren't at all like how he described. You're kind. And I know that you would never hurt me." Lilly explained wholeheartedly.

After so long, Drake finally understood.

"So, that's why I've never seen your father before. You're worried he'll hurt me, my sisters, and CJ." Drake responded as he looked up towards the girl.

Lilly then sat up and softly caressed the wolf's cheek, "Drake, I don't ever want you to think I'm embarrassed or ashamed of you. Because I'm not, and I never would be. I love you for you. And everything that comes with that."

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