Episode 6: "Details, Schmetails"

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The next morning..

"Draaaake, why is the mirror broken?" Luke hollored from the bathroom.

"What mirror? Don't know what you're talkin' about." Drake nonchalantly replied.

"Uh-huh. Then explain your bandage wrapped hand." Luke pointed out as he entered the room.

Once Drake had direct eye contact with Luke, he slowly began placing his hand inside his pants pocket.

"Drake! I can clearly see you trying to hide your hand." Luke stated.

Drake only rolled his eyes.

"Well? You gonna tell me what happened or what?" Luke questioned.

"I...had one of my episodes again...last night." Drake explained while looking away.

Luke immediately became concerned as he sat down next to him. "Why didn't you wake me?" Luke asked worryingly.

"I didn't want to hurt you again... Besides, there's nothing you can do. I guess it's just because I'm a demon." Drake replied.

"Drake... Whether I can do anything or not, I don't want you going through that alone. I can tell it scares you." Luke added.

Drake became quiet. Trying to not let his emotions get the better of him.

"Anyways, let me see your hand." Luke said.

Drake allowed him to unwrap the bandages.

"WAH!? YOU LEFT BITS OF GLASS IN YOUR HAND!? What is wrong with you!? You'll be lucky if you don't get an infection!" Luke shouted as he picked out the glass.

Drake remained silent as he just let his friend fix up his hand a bit better.

"There! Good as new! - Now, I gotta replace the mirror before grandma and grandpa wake up. And if they ask about your hand, just say you injured it while out hunting in the woods." Luke spoke.

Drake gave a slightly confused look, "But isn't the woods off limits?" he questioned.

"Yes, but I know your stubborn ass still goes there regardless!" Luke pointed out.

The demon boy only stuck out his tongue towards the blonde angel as a response.

"We literally live right next to the market! You can go buy meat!" Luke explained.

"Yeah, but it's no fun. Plus I need the exercise." Drake replied smugly as he shapeshifted, "Now, speaking of hunting, I need to go catch something for breakfast." as he was about to hop out the window into the woods.

Luke then grabbed the dire wolf by the hind legs, "Oh no you don't!" the angel spoke up.

Drake landed flatly on the bedroom floor as Luke still had him by the legs.

"Would ya let me go now??" Drake complained.

"Not if you're going into the woods! It's dangerous out there! We'll go to the market and get you something." Luke explained.

The demon struggled in the angels' grip as he tried to escape.

Luke managed to drag his friend away from the window a bit though.

But the wolf was eventually able to wiggle away and attempted to leap for the open window.

The angel was too quick and tackled his friend to the ground before he managed to reach the window.

Luke straddled his friend underneath him as he shut and locked the window.

Drake tried bucking him off a bit since the angel was on his back, but it was no use, the angel had a tight grip this time.

"Let me go, damn it!!" Drake hollared as he continued his struggle.

Luke held on tight as he quickly scanned over the bedroom, searching for anything that could possibly help him in this situation, but unfortunately there was nothing he could use.

Luke knew he had to think fast, as he felt Drake about to slip away again.

The blonde boy then moved both of his hands and scribbled both of the wolfs' sides.

This surprisingly took Drake to a complete stop as he fell to one side laughing while trying to cover his sides with his paws, "C-Cuhuhuht it out! Hahahaha!!"

Drake couldn't stand it one bit as his eyes were shut tightly.

Luke couldn't believe his eyes at first glance, but continued his playful attack as this seemed to be the only thing to get his friend down, "Not until you promise me that you won't go out in the woods anymore. Hehe!~"

Luke was dead serious.

This went on for a good few minutes as Drake still attempted to get up and run away, but his laughter got the best of him as he could hardly move a stiff enough muscle to leave.

"Okay! Ohohkay!! I pr-promiiise! Hahaha!!" Drake spat while giggling up a storm.

Luke finally showed some mercy and stopped his playful attack. He sat back as he allowed his friend to take a breather.

"I... I hate you..." Drake said jokingly of course as he continued to catch his breath.

"Suuure ya do." Luke replied with a little smirk, "Now, if you don't mind, I've got a mirror to fix up." as he left the room.

Drake then rolled over onto his back as he starred up at the starry bedroom ceiling while lost in thought.

Haven't played around like that since my mother and sisters. *sigh* Fuck... I miss them so much...

He then shapeshifted make to his original form and went to go get Luke, "Hey blondie, you said we'd hit the market."

As Drake walked in on Luke in the bathroom, he saw something he was definitely not expecting.

Luke had tiny little white angel wings on his back that had ripped through his shirt.

"HAHAHAHA! - Th-They look like little chicken wings!!" Drake laughed at the sight.

The angel immediately became a bit embarrassed, "Sh-Shut up!! - They just appear sometimes and I don't know why. I've gone through so many shirts because of my wings ripping through them!"

Drake could barely get himself to stop cackling, "I guess I gotta call you Chicken Little now, phht! HAHAHA!!" the demon joked.

Luke only rolled his eyes and sighed, "Just help me get rid of them, would ya? Before grandma and grandpa see them."

"We plucking or cutting?" Drake spoke while holding a pair of scissors and also tweezers.

Luke jumped back a bit as he said, "ACK!! N-Neither! Pyscho!"

The demon chuckled with a smug expression.

Luke continued, "As I was trying to say! You're a little older than I am, and seem to have a better grasp on your abilities. So what do you think would help get rid of them? Or at least be able to control them at will?"

Drake then gradually raised up the scissors.

"ENOUGH WITH THE SCISSORS!" Luke shouted, "What are you, sinister!?"

Drake once again put the scissors away and replied, "Honestly, I'm not sure. I don't have much of a grasp on mine either, besides the shapeshifting."

"Welllll crud..." the angel spoke.

The boys both stood there for a moment in silence.

Drake then broke the silence with, "Thought you were gonna fix the mirror?"

"I WILL!" Luke spat.

~End of Episode 6~

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