Episode 3: It's A New Day

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So here I am, living with the O'Malley family. I'm still kind of in shock that they went through with taking me in their home after learning about me. Luke is sharing his room with me. He doesn't seem to mind. It's pretty massive anyways. - I've been here for a couple months now. And Luke has been on Summer break from school, so we've gotten to know each other more. Like for example, I discovered that Luke is unfortunately a morning person. Yippy...

"Time to get up, lazybones!~" Luke sang as he shook Drake awake from his peaceful slumber.

Drake only grumbled and pulled his blanket over his head as he ignored the angel.

Luke whined, "C'mon, Drake. You do this every morning."

Drake replied in an annoyed tone, "And you do this every single morning."

Luke only smirked as he said, "Let's go before our breakfast gets cold."

Drake groaned as he finally got up from bed. As much as he'd rather sleep in, he could never turn down fresh bacon. They made their way to the kitchen.

"Good morning, boys!~" Grandma sweetly greeted.

Luke replied, "Good morning!~ Sorry we're a little late. Took me a few to get him up again."

Drake only stood there, still barely awake along with messy bedhead hair.

Grandma laughed and said, "He'll adjust soon enough. I hope you have your appetites. Dig in!"

Grandma placed a delicious breakfast on the dining table. She made her special recipe of homemade waffles filled with fresh blueberries, and topped with maple syrup. Along with crispy savory bacon, and eggs she got from their chicken coop. Your typical Sunday breakfast, but Grandma makes even everyday original foods the most amazing food you'll ever taste.

Morning went by, and they finished their delicious breakfast.

Grandma went on to do daily chores around the house as the boys helped out by doing the dishes.

"So, what should we do today? Wanna go play with the chickens and help me feed them?" Luke asked.

Drake argued, "No way! The chickens would much rather eat me than their actual food!"

Luke laughed and replied, "You gotta admit, that was hilarious, haha!"

Drake disagreed and said, "Wha- I almost died!"

Luke only continued to laugh at Drake's dispute.

Drake rolled his eyes and continued with the dishes.

It went silent for a moment as they continued the boring chore.

Luke then suddenly became excited and shouted, "Idea!~" as he accidentally slammed the dish he was cleaning into the sudsy water.

Drake shouted, "ACK! Dude, what the heck!? You splashed me!"

Luke replied, "Oh, sorry. I just thought of what we could do."

Drake questioned, "And what's that?"

Luke excitingly replied, "We should camp out in the backyard tonight in a tent!"

Drake wasn't totally appalled by the idea, "Why not, it could be fun."

Luke's face lit up in glee as he said, "Awesome!~ Maybe when we're older we can go on a real camping trip."

A sly smirk then grew across Drake's face as he went on to say, "Yeah, as long as you don't mind all the bugs and hungry bears watching our every move."

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