Episode 33: Evolution

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Now, back with Lilly and Drake and their daughter Rosie.

Rosie was a year old now and already looked so much like her mother. Except for her eye color. Her eyes are brown like Drake's.

She was a big daddy's girl. The two of them were always playing together. And Rosie absolutely loved Drake's wolf form. Her very first word was even "poofy".

And Luke was the best uncle. He absolutely just spoiled Rosie more than she already was by her parents.

Luke used his angel wings to play peek-a-boo with the little baby girl, "Peek-a-boooo!~" the angel went. Causing the baby to giggle and coo about.

Drake was currently passed out on the couch on Lilly's lap. He was quite exhausted after playing with Rosie so much. She had lots of energy for such a little thing.

Lilly didn't mind at all, though. She enjoyed these little moments with her husband. And she was even happier to now have her own family.

CJ, Mazikeen, Seraphina, and Violet then came over for a visit.

"There's my girl!~" Seraphina gushed as she scooped up the brown-haired baby.

Rosie giggled about as Seraphina made silly faces at her.

Mazikeen sat next to Drake at the other end of the couch, "He's been pretty exhausted, huh?" she asked Lilly.

"Yeah, hehe." she replied, "The two of them play so much. It's the most precious thing." she smiled softly as she ran her fingers through the wolf's fur.

"Do either of you have an idea of what being she is yet?" Maze wondered.

"Drake thinks she may just be a regular human like me, but sometimes it can be too early to tell while they're so small." Lilly answered.

The two of them watched as Violet and Seraphina both played with the baby girl.

"I don't sense anything but a human either, so he's probably right." Maze replied.

CJ joined in on the fun with baby Rosie and revealed to the child that she had a mermaid tail. It was a lovely mix of orange and pink as the two colors really complimented each other.

Rosie's eyes lit up as she cooed with excitement and placed her tiny hands on the scaley fin, admiring it.

"She doesn't seem to mind things that are different. She even loves frogs and insects, hehe." Lilly added.

Drake then woke up to all the noise about and let out a yawn as he sat up with a stretch, "Oh, hey, Mom. When'd you guys get here?"

"Just a little bit ago. Wanted to check on you all and see how things were." Maze said as she rubbed the wolf's head, "Not easy raising a baby, huh?"

"Yeah, but at least I have some experience from when Vi and Seraphina were little." Drake said as he observed his sisters with his daughter.

Seraphina then noticed her big brother had finally woken up as she rushed over towards him and gave him a big hug, "Finally!~ You're awake, hehe!~"

Drake was happily surprised by the hug as he wrapped an arm and his head around her, "Hey, Phina. I've missed you too, hehe."

They then released their embrace, "So, have you two thought about having another one?" Seraphina asked eagerly.

The wolf's ears then somewhat flattened at the question, "Actually... We've been trying for a little while now... The doctor told us that Lilly isn't about to have kids anymore."

Seraphina's expression immediately softened sorrowfully, "Oh... I'm so sorry. That's awful..." as she tenderly rubbed her wolf brother's head and gave Lilly a warm hug.

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