Episode 16: Like Old Times

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Drake went back with Seraphina and Mazikeen to their house. It was on the edge of Clover Town, unlike most of the houses around.

"Hey, Seraphina. How are you in high school already? You were like seven years old when I last saw you." Drake questioned with a confused expression.

"Yeah, that's part of what we need to talk about. Care to explain, Aunt Maze?" Seraphina spoke.

Mazikeen sat down at the table with them as she began, "Gladly. - Drake, since you were a small child, your father Kyro has had somewhat control of your mind. A lot of your memories are gone, if not only jumbled. You say you remember Seraphina being seven when you last saw her. In reality, she's only a couple of years younger than you are. So, she wasn't that young when you last saw each other. That's part of where your memories are jumbled. And unfortunately, there's no way of fixing it."

The demon boy was at a loss for words. As all the information thrown at him was quite a bit to take in all at once.

"H-How can I get him to not have control...?" Drake asked nervously.

Mazikeen sighed, "That's what I've been trying to figure out myself. I've studied and mastered all kinds of spells over the years, but none that would help with this. Since Kyro is the devil, he's more powerful than I am, of course. I'm not sure if there is a way, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't at least try all I can."

Seraphina could sense her older brother's worry, as her hazel eyes focused on him more, "Drake, what's wrong?" she asked with genuine worry.

"I-I've been having issues with my powers over the recent years... It's like, I lose all control and I'm not myself. Has it been Kyro this whole time? Trying to take over?" Drake questioned as his mind started racing with several thoughts and worries.

The look in Maze's eyes became a concerned expression, "Honestly, that's exactly what it sounds like." the eldest demon answered.

Drake stood up from the chair and began pacing back and forth as his worry only grew.

The pink streaked demon stood from her seat as well to try and ease her brother, "Drake, you gotta calm down..." she spoke calmly.

"W-What if he takes over entirely...? What then!? I-I don't wanna hurt anyone..." Drake began to hyperventilate, "Wh-What if h-he...."

The youngest demon then hugged her brother snuggly, "We won't let that happen... Whatever it takes. You don't have to be afraid anymore, Drake... You're not alone." she reassured him.

Drake hugged her back and ended up breaking down on her.

I'm still questioning myself....if this is even real....

A few moments later, Drake finally calmed down completely.

"So, I've got one question at the moment." Maze brought up, "Can you still shapeshift?"

Drake then just decided to demonstrate, as he shapeshifted into his black wolf form.

"Yeaaah, that explains Kyro's eagerness. You still have the ability he's longed for." Maze said.

Seraphina couldn't help but pet Drake's head as he remained in his wolf form. He didn't mind it though.

Maze then asked, "Does anyone else know about your shapeshifting?"

"Just a handful of close friends. I've tried keeping it as low-key as possible from the town." Drake answered.

Drake's phone then started vibrating.

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