Episode 29: Shorter Days

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Several weeks have passed. And Luke has started to get better again and have better control of his diet. Maze always made sure to make meals that would be best for his nutrition and calorie intake. And, after a while, Luke stopped having dizzy spells. He was able to move about like before with no issue.

Turns out, Luke had developed an eating disorder due to his depression and CPTSD. At first, the doctors had suspected it was Anorexia. But Luke never expressed concern over his body image, weight, or forcibly vomited. He still struggles a bit with food tasting "gross" in a sense every now and then, but overall, he's back to near perfect health.

Everyone met up at Mazikeen's house for a change today.

"Alrighty!~" Ben said aloud as he stood in front of his friends with a clipboard and pen, "We need to start thinking of ideas for this year's graduation party!"

Cadence squealed, "I'm so excited!!~"

"We're gonna have the best graduation party ever!!~" Luke boasted.

Drake's usual smile then formed into a bittersweet one as he stepped outside the front door and shapeshifted and lied down on the porch.

Seraphina and Lilly noticed the older demon had stepped away without a word as everyone else continued on the conversation.

Both the girls glanced at one another with the same thought. They were worried.

Seraphina decided to go check up on him.

"Drake, what's the matter?" Seraphina asked sincerely as she sat by him.

The black wolf continued to stay slumped over as he said, "It's just.... Everything is about to change again.... My friends and I are graduating here soon. And that means we'll all go our separate ways. And I'll probably never see them again..."

The pink streaked demon's eyes softened towards her older brother as she placed an arm around him lovingly, "I can't promise anything, but I don't think your friends would ever purposely leave you like that. They love you too much to do that. Just like I do. No matter how much older I get, I'll always be your little sister, and you'll always be my big bro. You'll always have me, no matter what."

Drake then sweetly leaned onto his sister, deepening the tender embrace, "Thanks, Phina..." he said softly.

"We should head inside. It's starting to get chilly." Seraphina suggested.

"Really? Feels fine to me." Drake replied.

Seraphina laughed, "You could probably sleep through a blizzard with all that fur, hehe!~"

Drake playfully rolled his eyes as he stood up and followed his sister inside.

Lilly then greeted Drake with a huge grin on her face, "Look, Drake!!~ Cadence gave me a bunch of her sweets recipes!~"

"Guess that means you'll be making a mess of our kitchen then, hehe." Drake joked.

"Maybe, hehe!~" Lilly sweetly smiled as she placed a quick kiss on the wolf's head before heading back to the kitchen to Cadence.

A strong smell of cinnamon spread all throughout the house from the kitchen as the girls baked away.

Drake finally managed to shapeshift back to his usual form and sat on the couch next to Ben.

"You feel better now?" Ben asked sincerely.

"Yeah, for the moment." Drake answered with a sigh as he slouched, "Where are Violet and CJ?" he asked.

Ben thought for a moment, "I think they're swimming at CJ's place."

"As long as they're not getting into any more trouble." Drake mumbled.

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