Episode 7: Midnight Thoughts

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After Luke went to bed and drifted off to sleep, Drake couldn't relax. He was restless. So he decided to take a little walk.

The demon snuck out through the bedroom window as the angel remained asleep.

I'm sick of thinking so fucking much...
Why won't it stop...

Drake then made his way to the local playground and sat on one of the swings and sighed.

After a moment or so, a being popped up from behind the demon as he was lost in thought...

"So what brings you out here?~" the being from behind spoke with a soft voice.

Drake jumped from surprise and then found Lilly now sitting on the other swing next to him.

"W-When did you get here!?" Drake barked. as he clenched the chains of the swing.

Lilly only giggled and answered, "I've been out here! I was over by the slide and noticed you."

Drake replied, "Oh, I guess I didn't see you." as he relaxed a bit and loosened his grip on the swing.

The night sky was clear, you could see every star. And you could hear all the crickets and toads around.

"Sooo, you never answered my question." Lilly bluntly stated as she stared up to the sky.

Drake said, "Huh? - Oh! I just uhh...h-had a nightmare and needed to get out for a bit, heh..What about you?" he then asked, as he couldn't help but admire her green eyes that just seemed to sparkle beneath the moonlight.

Lilly answered, "I've just been thinking about my mom a lot lately..."

Drake asked, "Oh, is she sick?"

Lilly then explained, "I haven't seen my mother since I was little. One day she just disappeared. No one knows where she went or what happened to her. So they just assume that she's dead."

Even with the depressing topic, Lilly never appeared gloomy. As she contiued staring up towards to stars.

Drake questioned, "Nobody tried looking for her?"

Lilly replied, "They did for a while, but they could never find anything." as the sparkle in her eyes actually dimmed a bit, and she looked back to the ground.

It became silent for a small moment.

"I'm so sorry, Lilly..." Drake spoke sincerely.

Lilly only smiled, "Its alright. That happened a long time ago... Could we change the subject though?"

Drake replied, "Sure."

"You said you came out here because of a nightmare, but something tells me that's not true." Lilly stated.

Drake's heart sank a tad with surprise as he replied, "Honestly, yeah... I lied... Sorry..."

Lilly only smiled, "That's okay. I don't expect you to be completely open with me. We still kind of have only just met."

As Lilly then went back to staring up to the night sky, and began to slowly swing back and forth on the swing set as her long brown hair flowed in the wind.

She always seems so bright, as if nothing in the world is ever wrong. It's hard to believe that she's dealt with so much grief. I guess it happens to everyone though.

Drake then spoke up, "Umm, I should probably head back now before Luke realizes I'm gone. Could I walk you home?"

Lilly stopped the swing and smiled, "Of course!~"

Drake walked Lilly back safely and then made his way home.

He snuck back in through the bedroom window, but wasn't prepared for what was waiting for him....

"DWAAAKE!! WHERE DID YOU GO?? I WAS SO WORRIIIIED!!" Luke bawled as he tugged on Drake's pants leg.

"I JUST WENT OUT FOR A WALK, IDIOT!!" Drake spat as he attempted to shake his whiny friend off his leg, "Now would you get off the floor!? And why are you up anyways?"

Luke then stood up and answered, "Well I was asleep, but then my wings popped out again and made me fall out of bed. So I hit my head and woke up. Struggled to get my wings back in for a while, and after that, I noticed you were gone and got worried."

"Well I see you got your wings under control and back inside now. Buuut you've ripped another shirt. The holes look bigger too." Drake spoke.

"They were!" Luke confirmed, "My wings weren't huge, but they weren't tiny either. They were a couple inches bigger than before!"

Drake thought for a moment, "I really think we should get your grandparents involved. They're angels too so they should know more about it than me." he explained.

"N-No!" Luke immediately disagreed, "I don't want them worrying more than they already do about me.. Plus, neither of them have wings themselves. - It's a rare occurrence for stuff like this to happen to celestials. Whether it's good or bad, that I have no idea about either. I just need to try and control them on my own..."

Drake could sense his friends' worry. It was much worse than it appeared from the outside.

"Luke, you're not doing this on your own. I'm here, and I'll help you however I can. I promise." Drake reassured.

Luke warmly smiled, "Thanks, Drake. That means a lot. - We should head back to bed now though."

"Uhhhh, actually.... It's morning now." Drake pointed out.


Luke's alarm began to go off.

"HUH!?", Luke panicked, "AW MAAAN!!"

~End of Episode 7~

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