Episode 4: Keep Going

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It was the first day of the week in the early morning. Summer break is over, and school is back in. The weather here was odd, so leafs had already began to change color on the trees.

At the O'Malley household, Luke was already up and awake as ever.

Drake on the other hand was still in bed and snoozing away.

"Boooys, time to get up. You'll be late for school. Hurry now, so you'll have time for breakfast before you go." Grandma hollored from the dining room.

Luke replied, "Yes, ma'am! - C'mon, Drake." as he woke up the sleeping demon.

Drake yawned as he woke and grumbled, "I'm up, I'm up..."

Luke made his way to the dining table, all ready for school. Drake dragged behind as he was still in his pajamas along with major bedhead.

Grandma greeted them, "Good morning!~ I made waffles and bacon for breakfast. Eat up while it's hot!"

Luke dug into the delicious breakfast.

The first thing Drake did was stuff his face with as many pieces of bacon he could fit into his mouth at once.

Luke noticed and couldn't help but chuckle at the sight.

Grandma said, "Alright, finish up and get ready to go you two."

Drake then mentioned, "Oh, umm... I'm actually not enrolled in school here..."

Grandma replied, "I thought so, but don't worry. We're going to enroll you today."

Luke was caught by surprise and nearly choked on his food as he excitingly shouted, "Really!? Awesome! Let's get ready to head out!~"

He then scarfed down the rest of his plate and grabbed his bag. Drake didn't move a muscle from his chair as he continued to stuff his face with bacon.

Grandma drove them to school and enrolled Drake at Clover Middle.

He was then given a school uniform to change into.

Drake did not approve much of the uniform as he stated with a straight face, "I feel ridiculous."

Luke handed Drake a paper as he explained, "Welcome to Clover Middle! Here's your class schedule. I'll show you around before our first class starts."

Luke gave Drake a small tour of the school. It was a nicely built school for such a small town, and it was the only middle school in the area. Once the tour was over, the first class of the day had begun.

Wow, there's a lot of people. And so many different scents. I'm so use to being around demons mostly, but here there's all kinds of beings. Even regular humans.

Drake was now in his homeroom class. The teacher began saying, "Alright, homeroom class. Please take your seats. We have a new student who just enrolled today. This is Drake Night. Please make him feel welcomed. - Go take a seat, dear."

Drake then took a seat in the back of the room. The teacher proceeded, "It's wonderful to meet you all! You can call me, Ms. Everhart."

The class greeted Ms. Everhart and they began their first lesson. Drake of course was already bored as ever.

Homeroom then ended as everyone swarmed into the halls.

Luke found Drake through the crowd and asked, "Sooo, how was your first class?" as he grinned.

Drake bluntly stated, "Boring as ever. I hate school."

Luke replied, "Oh you'll learn to like it."

Drake once again bluntly said, "Highly doubtful."

Luke then patted him on the back as he said, "Now head onto your next class before you're late. Don't want to start off being tardy. See ya!" and bolted off.

Drake only stood there and sighed, as he was not looking forward to the rest of the day.

School went on and Drake was still bored as can be. Lunch time then came around, and Drake met up with Luke in the cafeteria.

Luke sat down and shouted with excitement, "Pizza! - YES!"

Drake only poked at his questionable school pizza with a fork as he said in annoyance, "URG! This sucks! I have homework already... Who gives homework on the first day of school!?"

Luke mumbled with a mouth full of pizza, "I can help you with it when we get home."

Drake stubbornly stated, "I don't need a tutor."

Luke swallowed his pizza and insisted, "Oh just let me help you."

Drake only grunted as a response.

As Luke ate his lunch, Drake stared around the cafeteria. Admiring that so many different beings got along with each other, despite their differences.


Luke said, "Oh, time to head to the next class. See ya later, gator!~" then picked up his tray and darted off.

Drake said aloud, "Later gator? - Geez he's so weird."

The rest of the school day went on, and then came to an end.

Drake and Luke met up and walked home together.

They walked in and Luke announced, "Grandma, Grandpa! We're home!"

Grandma greeted them with a smile as she said, "Welcome home, boys. How was your first day?"

Luke boasted, "It was great!~"

Drake groaned, "Boring as Hell..."

Grandma then chuckled and said, "Dinner will be ready soon, so you two go wash up."

The boys went off to wash their hands, then headed to their room until dinner was ready.

Drake said, "Hey, Luke."

Luke replied, "Yeees, roomie?"

Drake then asked, "I've been wondering... How are you always so optimistic?"

Luke was a bit stunned by the surprise question Drake had asked.

He paused for a moment before giving him an answer, "Honestly, I'm not exactly sure. I've kinda always been this way. Even after my grandparents took me in and began raising me. I mean, yeah, the whole situation kind of sucked, but at least I ended up somewhere better, ya know? My past may have had some rough paths, but that doesn't mean I have to dwell on them and continue that same path. I just keep going, take some new turns, and see where they take me."

Drake then asked, "And that doesn't scare you? Not knowing what's down the next turn?"

Luke explained, "Nope. Cause it could be something amazing! And that's the exciting part. You never know what'll happen next, so I just always try to live in the moment."

Drake smirked and said, "I'm glad I met you, weirdo."

Luke widely grinned and said, "I'm glad we met too!~"

And that's how it went for the rest of the year. Going to school and becoming best friends with an angel. And honestly, it wasn't that bad. I learned new things, became friends with different beings, and became part of a new family. I found a new place that I can call home. Obviously, I still miss my mother and sisters, but I have to keep going.

~End of Episode 4~

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