Episode 2: The Start Of A Journey

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I've been staying at this place called Clover Town for a couple of weeks now. Sleeping in playgrounds, and searching for food in trash cans. I've been hit with brooms a few times for going through people's trash cans, heh. Good thing wolves can go a while without food. - I'm still not sure what I'm gonna do. I'm completely on my own. I'm just a kid.

Drake was sleeping underneath a bench, until a whiff of something savory caught his nose.

He opened his eyes to find a small blonde, blue eyed boy holding jerky in front of his face. "Oh! - You're not just a doggy, huh? I can tell cause of your eyes. They're different than regular animals." the small boy said.

Drake replied in a hostile tone, "I'm a shapeshifter. Now go away."

The blonde boys' eyes lit up with amazement, "Wow! A shapeshifter!? That's so cool! At first I thought you were just a little doggy, and thought you might be hungry."

Drake then quickly snapped, "Stop calling me doggy! I'm a dire wolf."

The boy only became more amazed, "Whaaaat!? That's even MORE rare! - You're so cool!~"

Drake only grew more annoyed and shouted, "Did you not hear me the first time?! I said go away!"

The boy paused for a moment and went on to say, "But, you're just a kid, right? Why are you out here all alone? Are you lost?"

Drake growled, "I am alone! - What's it to you!?" and looked away.

The boy then crawled underneath the bench alongside the shapeshifting demon. The boy reached into his bag, and once again offered the lonely dire wolf some food, "Want some jerky?"

Even with how hostile Drake was being, the boy only had a sincere smile on his face. Drake remained with a grumpy expression, took the jerky, and immediately munched on it.

A few minutes go by, and the two of them got from underneath the bench. Drake then shapeshifted back to his usual human form.

The boy decided to ask, "So, why are you out here alone?"

Drake replied, "I traveled here on my own."

The boy in surprise, "You left your home? Why?"

Drake became quiet for a moment before explaining, "My mom, and my sisters... They're dead. My father went crazy and killed them. So I left home and came across this town a few weeks back. And I've been living outside ever since."

The boy said, "I-I'm so sorry..."

Drake replied, "It's fine... There's nothing I can do to change it, right?"

The boy couldn't help but begin to sob. Drake then realized what was happening and shouted, "Gross! - Why are you crying!?"

The boy whined, "I-It's just so saaad..."

Drake said in annoyance, "Get a grip, angel boy."

Drake's comment caught the boy by surprise, "Huh!? How'd you know that!?"

Drake bluntly replied, "I can sense it, idiot."

The boy asked, "Ohhh, is that from your canine instincts?"

Drake stated, "No. It's my demon instincts."

The boy then spoke, "A shapeshifting demon? You are a rare one. - By the way, it's getting late and I gotta head on home, but would you like to come with me? I'm sure my folks wouldn't mind you staying."

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