Chapter 40: Limitless

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Arc: Train to the Capital . 

Thanks for this music Translation from HQSounDI 

 While Zeke and Ayami fight on the last locomotive, Jason's fight against Ajax continues.

Jason to himself: " Damn it , one wound is enough to disfigure my face .... Also, I thought it would be easier to fight him on the train's roof away from the passengers , but I was wrong . "

Ajax: "Come on, I haven't used all my weapons yet."

Ajax threw two metals at him but Jason avoided them with his gloves, and at the same moment Ajax threw steel balls under Jason and he tripped, falling back with a backflip away from the metal sticks coming to him.

Ajax: "Not bad."

Jason to himself: "It was imminent again, what's up with that boy?!"

Greed surfaces angrily: "What are you doing, stop playing around and finish him off."

Jason shouts: "It's easy for you to say, didn't you find a way to stop the train?"

Greed: "We removed the diamonds from the train, and it didn't work."

Ajax to himself:" It's no use, the train won't stop, it's controlled remotely, I don't even know how to stop it."

Ajax: "Ignoring me again !!"

Jason:" Hey, let me ask you, why did you wrap that old purple ribbon on your hand?"

Ajax smiles:" Heh, since you asked...this right hand controls my magnetic field, I can use the  charged metals I've hidden according to my elaborate plan. "

Greed: "And this magnetic field is made by your own ?"

Ajax:" Yes, imagine that I am the center of the field, and the further away I am from the object to be attracted, the less its strength, but if I remove the tape from one finger from my hand, the force of the field increases, which means, I can increase its range. I wonder what would happen if I removed the tape from my whole hand?"

The two remain in shock.

Greed:" For heaven's sake, what are we against?!"

Jason: "Hey, if it's like you say, why are all metals attracted to me, and not the other way around?"

Ajax: "The field invalidation is the reason, do you know how long I had to master this magic, four years, four years of wear and tear, and my handsome face became disfigured.."

Jason: "Well, well, I got it ."

Jason attacks him rushing and faster than before using his white flame under his palm and Greed attacking Ajax from behind.

Ajax shouts: "The Magnet Prison ."

Ajax jumps and spins in the air and then kicks Jason on the chin and in a second he turns behind him and looks at Greed with the metal surrounding him. 

 Ajax: "If you move, these minerals will penetrate every part of you."

Jason: "You do like to smear people's faces, how many times  you punched  me in the face, and what's that you're wearing, a necklace?"

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