Chapter 60: Attack on the headquarters

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Arc: Fragrance of Memory.

*Note: Listen to the exciting music at the upcoming event provided by Thoughts of a Slayer, Second Chance of Trigger.

Inside the cave of Marcel Market, the screams of buyers rose as they threw products and goods into the middle of the market to burn them together in front of the public. They throw stones at the soldiers, agitated by the insane increase in taxes.

"What do we have to do with this?"

"We have debts to cover!"

"We have  rent to pay!"

"Children we must feed!"

"They are the traitorous , the why're you dragging us into this ?"

"Arrest them, enough with the delay."

Meanwhile, in one of the headquarters rooms, Laura took out a book entitled The Black Hoop and it had a dark black cover, and she said in surprise: "What is this book? ! . . I don't remember having one like this? !"

Christine pulls the book out of her hand:" Let me take a look."

Laura pull the book away:" No, I'll check what's inside."

"Laura, this is really not the time for you to be fooling around."

"It has an incomprehensible sentence... Look."

Christine approaches her and then reads what's in the book: "The center needs. . . For a quantity. . . less than . . . Where, in. . What is this ? !"

Laura: "See?"

Christine wondered:" Its words are scattered. No, the sentences are not written in the Alanazia's  language?"

Laura thought deeply and aloud: "Ummm, should I sell it, send it for recycling, or should I burn it?" !

Christine: "What? . What are you saying now?"

Laura: "I'll decide for myself what to do with it, since I found it first."

Christine: "No, you won't."

Edward suddenly entraps  them and the two girls hide the book: "The army has determined the location of the headquarters and they are in the library now!"


*Note: You can play the exciting music now.

In the main hall of the headquarters, and as quickly as possible, the members hid any trace that might indicate their presence in the place. The Members are concerned in searching  of  resources and possessions that they can take.

Cole calls out:" Remove all the missions from the board, hide everything, the pictures and the prizes as well."

Marissa prepares the food bag: "Yuno, bring all the bread and canned food quickly."

Yuno: "Yes."

Zoe enters and closes the door behind her, along with Grayson: "They are here, get out now."

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