!Chapter 48 : Trapped

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 Arc: The Black Arrow.

Enjoy reading this dramatic chapter with "Overcome" by Kamikaze Kitty, from HDsounDI.

*Note: Please play the music in the next scene .   

And is there a way out? The people of this kingdom have always been trapped between two fires, both sides blocking them from seeing the hope that nature offers them. The people of this kingdom refused to obtain their right to freedom, even by force!

Near the corridor of the palace library after the Redeyes came out of the storeroom, there is no information until now explaining how they got there.

 Kai ,who was holding Mr. Phyllis by the neck using one of the spider's arms sticking out of his back.

Kai, his face close to Mr. Phyllis: "Why all this delay, what if someone entered the store?"

Phyllis with difficulty: "Please let me go, I tried my best to prevent anyone from entering here, and besides, you will get them out when you are.. "

Kai slips Phyllis and pierces him with a spider's arm:" You have another job to do."

Gail, approaching Kai, chains of iron around his arm and waist: "Oh, I'll go before you to the city, I don't want to miss the feast of the fight."

Kai: "All right, but leave some for me, don't beat them all."

Merissa quietly, hiding at the end of the corridor from Kai's view after witnessing the whole situation, Kai appears in front of her suddenly.

Kai: "Woman, you've seen enough!"

Merissa tries to escape from his arms running towards her, and in a second, a brown arrow pierces one of the arms and saves her from death.

Kai steps back, staring at his arm, and removes the arrow from it with the other arm:" Is this a children's game? Show yourself, Coward!."

Brigadier  General Harry:" Calling me a coward, I'd rather hear a better description, I only go out when I come to deal with people like you , you know."

Merissa relieved: "Brigadier General Harry, thank you."

Harry: "Your comrades are coming this way, let them change course and go out to town."

Merissa: "Well, and you ,sir?!"

Harry: "My squad is coming here, go ahead!"

Kai: " Playing as the hero!, you don't know who you're facing in front of you, General."


*Note: Play the music starting from this scene.

 Underground, in the dungeons, Hugo and Princess Violet, looking for a brick on the wall where the King had hidden  the Black Hoop Book inside.

Hugo: "Did you find something, princess?"

Violet: "There is no sign of the book here, I never even saw what the book looked like, Dad, where did you put this book?!"

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