Chapter 44: Tragedy Commemoration

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 Arc: The Black Arrow 

*Note: The chapter contains more imagination than usual, enjoy reading the chapter slowly to live the scene accompanied by beautiful music Eruptions. 

The stars of the night prevailed , illuminating the kingdom's sky beside the radiant white full moon, colorful diamonds adorning the streets of the capital, and our companions in the living . room came together to hear Master Valko's plan.

The Doctor opens a foldable map of the layout of the palace and begins to explain the position of each one of them : "Zeke, you will be at the dining table, Greed and Owen near the entrance to the hall ,while  Jason tries to approach the princess and then tells her to meet in the palace garden before the parade  to the ditch ."

Greed: "Wearing ceremony masks alone won't help, we have to pretend to be as  guests."

Master Valko: "That's right, so avoid Major General Eyan and Brigadier General Harry as much as possible, do you understand?"

Everyone answers: "Understood!" 

Ayami:" Excuse me , what about the rest?"

Doctor:" Ayami, you are used to the atmosphere of official parties, you just have to keep suspicions away from us and Ajax will be with you, when everyone is busy with your singing, the four of them take the opportunity to talk to the princess."

Master:" Christine , Nicole, Tom and Marissa, You will look for the book in the library, you may find something  the doctor had been unable to notice , the twins will communicate with you by the Lacrima  to avoid the soldiers and secure the way for Christine and the others."

Farsto: "What about you and the doctor?"

Master Valko: "We will be plan B, we must not raise the doubts any more, we must be careful."

Jason steps forward and looks at his hand: "How many times do we have to avoid them, how long are we supposed to run from them, why don't they just open their eyes, our parents lost their lives for this country and now they are paying the price for their sacrifice by calling them traitors, what have we done? What is the point of our fight then?"

Silence, despair and melancholy in the room, the suffering ... the hurt ... the abuse and the painful life they have spent, it is still in the heart ... After those simple sentences with harsh meaning, a soft and calm blue bright light enters through the window with a gentle , nice breeze , seemed to be calling for them to turn the depth of despair back to the ray of hope that they had forgotten for a moment.

Marissa glanced out the window, her eyes shining blue, and then turned to them: "This might restore your enthusiasm again."

Everyone goes out to the balcony overlooking the capital Street, which has closed its lights and the lamps of its stores, the residents come out waiting eagerly for something to come. The clouds seemed to glow with a blue glint, which relieves the mind and takes away out the  deep thought.

Zeke: "Oh, I totally forgot about it."

Tom excitedly: "What is it?"

Master Valko ,Smiling : "You'll see for yourself, enjoy the spectacle, because it's a spectacle that never gets old."

A girl from the apartment across from them :" Mom, It's coming!"

The Legendary Guards Of ExterminationOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora