Chapter 42: Sparkling Eyes

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Arc: Train to The Capital 

Thank you for the beautiful music from the famous movie Narnia.

*Note: You can play the music clip twice to enjoy reading more in the upcoming scenes.

Twelve years ago, before the start of the Redeyes  War, there was a crowd of eminent families, ministers and Democrats at Zentral Station to evacuate them to the west of the kingdom. The army  ordered  to fill the train with women and children first and send them to board the train towards the Diamond City station. Thousands and billions of them hoped to get a seat on the train. Ajax and his mother enter the train among these thousand  people, anxiously heading to their seats.

 Ajax's mother: "Come on, Ajax, get in and take your seat."

Ajax holding a teddy bear:" Mom, where are we going with these people?"

Ajax's mother on her knees in front of him:" Ajax, my dear and handsome child, hear me well, your mother might do something wrong if I don't do what I'm going to do now ..I want you to be patient, be confident, pursue good dreams, eat a lot and Also, keep this necklace well and remember that I am always by your side."

Ajax asked: "Mom, what are you saying, are you going somewhere?!"

Ajax's mother: "Hmm...yes, we need to register our names so they don't lose us...don't move, okay."

Ajax: "Alright."

Ajax stands and looks at his mother: "You will come back, right?"

Ajax's mother:" I will come back before you now it."

Ajax, smiling:" Yes." 

Some passengers, especially children, had to register their names in order to be distributed to residents of western cities to take care of them. Ajax's mother stood in front of the registration window after a long line.

"One vacancy left for one child in the city's  orphanage...Do you want that?"

Ajax's mother: Yes, put the name of Ajax Adelson, please.

"The Adelson family , then, I hope you see each other soon."

"Hey, no vacancies, how is that possible?"

"I beg you put my daughter as well."

"This is unfair, we have children too." 

People piled up on the train and finally started to move. The people wave goodbye  from outside the train, others panicked and others cried.

Ajax: "What is taking her too long, I'll have a look."

Ajax hold off  to reach the window and sees the crowd of people in the station, his mother was running out of the station, Ajax stood silently realizing what had happened after he was blinded by false hope staring at the children crying next to him and shouting for their parents names.

Ajax returns to his seat talking to his toy bear and tears are pouring from him:" So then...that's what you meant to be patient and the mistake you will make."

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