Chapter 14: Amid The Cloud forest

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 Arc: The Temple 

A big thanks for Premium Music HQ. 

Those two just gone that fast?!...I mean they were driving the vehicle until then ...Oh God when will I am ever going to  wake up from this dream!

After the three road blockers appeared , one of them said 

"Come on, we don't have time for this , take out your stuff ."

Jason replies:"And If we don't?"

Nichole calls :"Jason?!"

 One of them asks , provoking Jason "Let's see, choose one of the two options , you want to die measuring your speed or your strength?"

*Note: By saying "Your speed" means giving him a chance to escape. 

Christene:"Whom we  are fighting?"

" My apologize, I am Pixas"

"I'm Shirin."

"And I am the kid Edwird."

Tom:" Could you guys be the blockers we were looking for?"

Pixas:"Enough now, let's start with you , Jason."

Pixas set off at an incredible speed towards Jason while Jason was pulling a knife from his shoes and began to repel Pixas 's hits but, he couldn't keep up with him . Then he steps back barely picking up his breath.

Pixas:"What ?...You gave up already?"

Jason:"I haven't started yet."

Pixas:"You're saying this with the bad position that you are in..look around."

Jason looked to his friends worried . The girls were attacking Edward.

Edward as he avoids the girls attacks easily:"Slow..Slower."

Tom was fighting Shirin,she was kicking him every time he comes back after he falls.

Pixas:"Do you think you have a chance against us?"

Jason to himself:"Damn it. he is right ..not in this position, Jason , you are in a different world now . "

Christene is  talking to herself:"We have to get out of this."

At the moment she speaks, she had an idea after she saw the dirt . She sat down on the ground and said:"Well, I surrender..  but you won't  take anything unless you kill me."

Jason shouts:"WHAT?!"

He stopped when he saw her picking some dirt from the ground ,then he said and sat on the ground:" yes, I think we should surrender."

Tom as he does the same:"We have no other choice."

Nichole:"Kill us , so you can get the things."

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