Chapter 30 : Hard Climbing

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Arc: The Magic Championship

Thanks for the epic action music .

* Note: It is preferred to play the music in the next scene , If you find it annoying please reduces the volume . 

24 hours of turning and practicing for the games , I don't like to participate in any physical activities , but the Master forced me too, Christine , you have certainly changed . 

The time has arrived for the magic championship opening . All the citizens gathered from all around the kingdom to participate or to cheer for their teams . The 16 teams were standing on their lines in the stadium , listing to the championship sponsor.  As each line was differentiated by a certain color .  The legendary team was on the 15th line , Farsto was taking the lead on his orange team  , holding a big  orange flag  . 

From the terraces , the sponsor comes forwards and delivers his speech : " The goal of this 48 championship is to share the knowledge  and strengthening the kingdom's  relationship with all citizens , so maintain the sprit of the competition, accept defeat and let the best team wins . " 

The audience screams out loud , exciting for the event , colorful  balloons flying in the sky , the magic Licrimas floating in the air to  broadcast the games to the whole  kingdom . 

Tom whispers to Jason : " This atmosphere  reminds me of a basketball game . " 

Jason: " It is swimming race for me . " 

Zeke: " What are you reading ?" 

Farsto : " I'm reading the instructions and the rules of each game . "

Greed : "  You don't know the rules ?! " 

Farsto :" Do you?! " 

Greed annoyed : " Listen bossy boy , when I win this , I'm gonna keep your mouth shut forever . "

Farsto:" The games changes each year , so the rules will too . "

Ayami: " That's why ."

Jason: " Could you stop floating with your ball, you're raising suspicion. "

Lasto, innocently :" It's fun ." 

Farsto looks back  to his team : " Soldiers are deployed over the kingdom , thanks to what you did at the temple , we must pretend that we need time to release our magic , and for you two ... It is easy to notify that you don't have any magic force. "

Nichole :" We will be careful . "

*Note: Please play the music for better exactment.  

Marissa , looking at Christine ,who was holding her stomach and shacking her legs :" What happen to your beauty face ?"

Christine , as her face turns green :" I shouldn't have drank 5 cups of Echinacea herb ."

Christine runs away quickly , far from the team , as they looking at her worried. When suddenly the host of the champion spokes from the speaker . 

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